
Kremlin comments on Denmark dropping Nord Stream probe — RT World News

A Copenhagen spokesman suggested they must have found “close allies” while searching for the culprits behind the act of vandalism.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Danish decision to end its investigation into the sabotage of Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea may have been prompted by Copenhagen's unwillingness to establish the truth about the crime.

Energy links set up to bring Russian natural gas directly to Germany were cut by unknown perpetrators in a series of explosions in September 2022. Germany, as well as Denmark and Sweden, in whose economic zones the sabotage occurred, have each launched separate investigations. Sweden closed its investigation earlier this month.

Copenhagen police don't see “Sufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in Denmark” They said on Monday in a statement announcing the development. The investigation was conducted jointly with the Danish security and intelligence services (PET). “Complex and comprehensive” It concluded that the incident was a deliberate act of sabotage. Nothing was mentioned about possible suspects in the press release.

The situation is “Close to absurdity” Peskov told reporters when asked about the news.

“Apparently, they were getting close to, as they called it, exposing their closest allies.” he suggested. “One can only express absolute astonishment and nothing else.”

Denmark said investigators cooperated with it “Relevant foreign partners” But Peskov stressed that Russian law enforcement authorities were not among them.

“In the early stages of the investigation, we constantly asked the Danes for information about what happened, but the requests were refused.” He said.

A German government spokesman said Berlin remains very interested in getting to the roots of the crime.

Western media were initially quick to accuse Russia of disrupting its critical infrastructure. Later reports said that European investigators found no evidence to support this theory. Leaks to the press identified A “Pro-Ukrainian group” and a specific Ukrainian officer currently detained in Kiev in a separate case as possible perpetrators.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed the finger at the CIA, claiming that the Americans were behind the sabotage, when he discussed Nord Stream with journalist Tucker Carlson in a recent interview. He refused to mention the evidence that led him to this conclusion.

Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said in February 2023 that, according to his source, US President Joe Biden personally ordered the bombing of pipelines. The journalist claimed that Biden was seeking to strengthen German hostility towards Russia in the Ukrainian conflict and ensure the EU's long-term dependence on Western energy. The White House denied the allegations, but Putin said he found Hersh's justifications plausible.

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