
Germany today could do what Hitler did but faster – Hungary’s top MP — RT World News

Parliament Speaker Laszlo Kover launched a scathing criticism of Berlin and the United Nations, and even launched a personal attack on the US ambassador.

Hungarian Parliament Speaker Laszlo Kover said Germany was destroying itself faster than it was under Adolf Hitler, while the United Nations was nothing more than a propaganda front company.

The senior lawmaker, known for frequently making controversial statements, issued a wave of inflammatory statements on Thursday when he spoke at the Sovereignty Protection Forum held in the central Hungarian city of Gassábate. The speaker launched a scathing attack on Germany, comparing its current leadership to that of Hitler.

“We have no reason to be happy that the Germans are destroying themselves and are doing so at an enormous speed, perhaps faster than Hitler did.” Cofer confirmed.

It took Hitler 12 years to achieve this, as it stands now [in Berlin] It does not even take 12 years for Germany to fall to the ground in every sense of the word, economically and socially.

Aside from obliterating German leadership, the parliamentary speaker has been highly critical of the European Union, as well as the United Nations. He criticized the United Nations as a mere “front company” Without any weight and used only for advertising purposes.

Kover, one of the founders of the Hungarian Fidesz party, compared the European Union to the Warsaw Pact, an old Cold War-era security system created by the Soviet Union and its affiliates in Eastern Europe, including Hungary. Nowadays, Brussels is effectively playing the same role that Moscow used to play at the time, the MP suggested, insisting that Budapest was only at war with the European bureaucracy and not with the EU itself.

“The Union is us” Confirm.

Kaufer’s speech at the forum also included a personal touch, as he launched a bitter attack on the US ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman, pointing out that the top diplomat actually meant little to him and literally considered Washington’s envoy in Budapest a US envoy in Budapest. “unavailable” person.

“He’s not a persona non grata; he’s a persona non grata.” The speaker stated. “For me, for example, he is someone who is not there and sometimes appears. I don’t know who he is and what he wants. He is supposed to be an ambassador, but he does not act like one.”

He. She “It doesn’t matter” What the American diplomat conveys to the Hungarian government — and more — given that Pressman apparently came to the country with the firm belief that he was actually sent to rule it, Cofer explained.

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