
“Get your headscarves ready and come cheering.” Kuwaiti fans came to support the Gaza movement


Kuwait- The fans at the Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium in Kuwait painted a beautiful picture and sent a clear message to the world. They expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people and their support for the strength of the Palestinian people. Gaza StripShe called for an end to Israel’s brutal occupation attacks on its people.

Calls to watch and support the Palestinian national football match spread on social media through the “Get Your Coffee, Come on” campaign organized in partnership with civil society organizations, sparking lively interactions from the large number of people who arrived in advance of the match. fan.

The Palestinian national football team has selected the State of Kuwait to face Australia in their home country in the joint qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup and 2027 Asian Cup finals.

- Palestinian national team players wear headscarves on the field
Palestinian national team players wear Palestinian headscarves on court to support Gaza (Al Jazeera)

great interaction

The event was attended by 14,537 people and the Palestinian Embassy… Kuwait Rami Taheboub, Palestinian Football Association President Jibril Rajoub and Kuwait Football Association President Abdullah Shaheen.

Its passages are distributed during the game, starting with the players of the Palestinian national team taking the field wearing Palestinian headscarves, to the reciting of al-Haqha for the souls of the martyrs of Gaza and throughout Palestine, and then the repetition of “There is no god but God, and to God are the martyrs.” Love”.

The fans at the scene reacted to every attack of the Palestinian team or any artistic move by the players, raising their headscarves as the Palestinian national anthem was played.

In the seventh minute of the game, the fans raised flags and headscarves to symbolize October 7 last year, the day when the “action” aqsa floodsThe 13th minute also saw the crowd stand and turn around in protest at the martyrdom of more than 14,000 Palestinians during Israel’s aggression in Gaza.

At the 75th minute, the crowd jointly raised their hands to protest against the 75-year-long continuous occupation of Palestine and chanted patriotic songs and slogans in support of the Palestinian people’s firm stance and struggle against the Israeli occupation. A giant billboard read: “The government and people of Kuwait support Palestinian rights from sea to river.”

- Victory is coming to the Palestinians
Some Kuwaiti fans watching the match between Palestine and Australia (Al Jazeera)

Tremendous influence

Kuwait’s hosting of the match between the Palestinian and Australian teams confirmed the depth of the fraternal relations between two countries and two brotherly peoples, and the event was just a beautiful opportunity to express solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli machine’s killing and destruction.

Yusuf Kandari, CEO of the Jerusalem Youth League, believes that this large demonstration is of great significance and shows the depth of the relationship between the two countries and the two brotherly peoples.

He told Al Jazeera it was “a clear show of solidarity with dear Palestine by wearing tracksuits and all the crowds showed a responsible attitude as they expressed their love and support for the Palestinian cause, which will remain the focus of Arab attention” and Muslims. “

He added that it included symbols and connotations that “profoundly express the steadfastness, pride and resistance of our people in Gaza and our bonds as Palestinian people, and point out the crimes and brutality of the occupation before the eyes of the Israelis.” world. “

Khandari stressed that in the Jerusalem Youth League, “we salute the Palestinian masses in Kuwait and we will continue to participate in organizing any events that support the steadfastness and struggle of our people in Gaza, and especially the Palestinian people.” General. “

- Omar Dahir, Syria: A tribute to the tenacious resistance movement
Young Syrian Omar Al-Dakhil pays high tribute to the Palestinian people for their steadfastness and resistance (Al Jazeera)

“Palestine will remain free”

As for Palestinian citizen Talib Muslim Ahmed, he explained that he watched the game to send a specific message, saying: “I did not come to the stadium to watch the game because the technical level of our Palestinian team is higher than theirs The technology is low.” Australian counterparts, but I’m here to take part in sending a clear message that Palestine will remain free no matter what the occupation does. “And demand an end to the brutal aggression, genocide and killing of children in Gaza.”

He added to Al Jazeera: “The people of Kuwait have never lost sight and I have noticed a very active interaction on social media platforms that have been calling on the masses for a week or more to attend this event and convey the need for support A clear message to our people in Gaza.”

He continued: “This is not surprising because the Kuwaiti people are known for their love and support for the Palestinian people and their support for everything. They are a real people who consider the Palestinian people to be the first line of defense for the Arab nation.”

Ahmed stressed that “this message has been sent by radio to countries around the world, and we call for an end to the genocide and support the resistance movement, while expressing our sincere gratitude to the government and people of Kuwait for their support and recognition” of the Palestinian cause. “

As for Syrian citizen Omar Dahir, who came to support the Palestinian team and the resistance movement, he said, “I came to support the firm belief of the brothers in the Gaza Strip and to pay high respect to the heroic resistance movement.” , because in addition to denouncing the occupation’s continued barbaric aggression against innocent people, our inspiration must bow to them. “

“The event included wonderful and expressive passages that reflected the great love of the Arab people for their brothers in occupied Palestine,” he added.

It is worth noting that after the game, the Australian team defeated the Palestinian team with a score of (1-0). The Palestinian team members had a wonderful interaction with the fans, and the players participated. Fans chanted national slogans to express their unwavering support for the Palestinian people, and at the end the players distributed headscarves and T-shirts to express the need to stop crimes against Gaza and Palestine.

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