
Godfather of AI warns of ‘battle robots’ — RT World News

Geoffrey Hinton says technology is becoming smarter than humans and could take over

The world may face major catastrophes before the use of artificial intelligence weapons is properly regulated, according to Turing Award-winning scientist Geoffrey Hinton, who is seen as a pioneer of the technology.

The former Google engineer, who left the company last year, likened the use of technology for military purposes to the spread of chemical weapons – warning against this “Very bad things” It will happen before the international community reaches a comprehensive agreement similar to the Geneva Conventions.

“The threat you talked about is an existential threat.” Professor Hinton said on Tuesday in an interview with Irish radio station RTE News, confirming this “These things will get smarter than us and take over.”

The computer scientist highlighted the impact of artificial intelligence on disinformation and job displacement, as well as on the weapons of the future.

“One threat is 'combat robots' that will make it easier for rich countries to wage war on smaller and poorer countries, and it will be very bad and I think it is inevitably coming.” Hinton warned.

He urged governments to put pressure on big tech companies, especially in California, to conduct in-depth research into the safety of AI technology.

“Instead of it being an afterthought, there should be government incentives to ensure that companies are putting in a lot of work on safety, and that some of that is happening now.” Hinton said.

The scientist also highlighted the enormous benefits that artificial intelligence can bring to humanity, especially in the field of healthcare, adding that he does not regret any of his contributions to technology.

Despite the growing interest in artificial intelligence, many prominent figures in the technology industry have warned of the potential risks posed by unregulated adoption of this technology. Hinton, who resigned from Google last year, launched a media campaign to warn of the risks. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and Yoshua Bengio, considered an AI pioneer for his work on neural networks, were among industry bigwigs who co-signed a letter last year calling for strict regulation. For the artificial intelligence sector. .

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