
How ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ is wrecking the American dream — RT World News

Quota hiring and shifting instructional hours to “social equity” are stripping U.S. workplaces of professionals

Once a country built on merit, where the most qualified people – regardless of race, creed or gender – rose to the top, America is now content to fill positions based on quotas.

Identity politics in the United States have come under intense scrutiny recently, in the wake of a highly publicized scandal involving three female presidents of leading American universities – Dr. Claudine Jay of Harvard University, Liz Magill of the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Sally Kornbluth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The issue at hand was their refusal to argue, amid hostilities between Hamas and Israel, that calling for genocide on their campuses violated college rules and encouraged harassment.

After their congressional testimony, the presidents quickly came under the Internet's laser focus, and it was Harvard's Claudine Jay, the first nonwhite person to serve as president of a private university, who attracted the most criticism. And not without reason. Jay was discovered to have plagiarized dozens of passages in her thesis, a serious crime that has put a spotlight on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) staff and whether Jay earned her lofty position not because of her academic credentials but rather because of the color of her skin, and her gender.

Just weeks after a lengthy debate over whether Gay was qualified to head America's most prestigious university, she resigned – although she returned to her position as a faculty member while retaining her massive $900,000 annual salary.

This is certainly not an isolated case of DEI pushing questionable candidates into high office, especially since many states now legally enforce this controversial policy. We only have to look at the second most powerful position in the United States government, the position of Vice President, to see where America is headed. It's no secret that Kamala Harris has been a diverse employee; Joe Biden I confess Just as much on the campaign trail. “If I am elected president, my government, my administration will look like the country, and I pledge that I will in fact appoint a woman to be vice president.” Later, Biden was more specific: “It's better if it's a person of color and/or a different race.” he He said.

Now let's get this straight: Biden chose a woman of color who was voting in the 1% during the Democratic race to challenge Donald Trump in 2020. To be sure, there were other potential candidates with better qualifications that he could have chosen.

As it became known what a complete disaster Harris was in her position of power, just one step away from the Oval Office, she dismissed the mounting criticism as merely the result of sloppy reporting and systemic racism. She told her dwindling supporters so “News coverage of her would be different if she were any of her 48 ancestors, whom she describes as all white and male.” The New York Times reported. However, given how liberal the media is in the US, it is clear that the negative attitude towards Harris is worse than she realizes.

Who else got the golden elevator ride to the top based on DEI? Look no further than Rachel Levine, the Deputy Secretary of Health, who is a transgender woman. While Levine may be qualified to fulfill her duties — after all, she was named one of USA Today's Women of the Year for 2022 — how many other equal (or superior) candidates were overlooked simply because they didn't check critical boxes?

Or how about Pete Buttigieg, who is currently the 19th US Secretary of Transportation. Buttigieg, 42, was the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana (population 103,453), who came out as gay in 2015, and was lifted from relative obscurity when he ran for president in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. In the world of American power politics, such a stunning rise to the top is almost unheard of, and little can be attributed to Buttigieg's intelligence and eloquence to explain such a leap over dozens of other, more qualified contenders. We will never know how much of Buttigieg's overnight success was largely based on his sexual orientation, but suffice it to say that Democrats were actually Anxiety At one point the former mayor “wasn't gay enough” for their liking.

Meanwhile, the Federal Aviation Administration, which is overseen by Buttigieg's Department of Transportation, unveiled its new “diversity and inclusion” program to hire highly skilled people. “Severe mental disability” And “Psychological disability.” Just days after a mid-air disaster struck when the door of a Boeing 737 MAX exploded, causing more scrutiny about the push toward totalitarianism.

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the federal government has identified, as a matter of policy, for special emphasis in recruiting and hiring.” Read the FAA website. “These include hearing, sight, missing limbs, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychological disability, and dwarfism.”

The FAA does not specify the range of positions these various employees will hold, suggesting only in its response to Fox News that they, like any other employees, “He must meet stringent qualifications which will of course vary by position.” However, critics of the move worry that focusing on DEI policies could make flying less safe. Among them is Elon Musk, who tweeted “Would you want to fly on a plane where they prioritized DEI over your safety?”

However, the failure of woke extremists to read the room has never been more evident than when advertisers at Anheuser-Busch to choose Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender social media influencer, sings the praises of Bud Light, thus erasing a huge segment of the beer-consuming working class. Clearly, Mulvaney was not the right “man” for the job.

Or consider the detrimental impact that DEI policies are having in the field of medicine, where medical students, instead of spending as much time as possible learning their difficult profession, are forced to learn about previously unknown topics, such as “implicit bias” and “white privilege.” ” This is another way DEI helps lower the bar in the workplace.

“There is a limited amount of time in residency training to make a competent surgeon out of a struggling trainee.” Dr. Richard Bosshart books In a recent article for the National Magazine. “To assume that we can continue to produce excellent surgeons and simultaneously burden surgical education with the degree of time-consuming anti-racism and DEI indoctrination that the ACS Toolkit requires is, at best, foolish and futile, and at worst, dangerous to our patients.” “

A person may be perfectly qualified for any job regardless of their race, gender, or sexual orientation. However, what happens in the United States is that many people who lack the necessary qualifications get an unjustified job boost because their lifestyle(s) checks one or more of the desired boxes. Or they are unnecessarily forced to learn the new mantra of mindfulness instead of focusing on the basics of their field. Either way, US campuses and workplaces are slow to understand that instead of working to eliminate discrimination, DEI policies are now the main cause of it. Reducing the pool of job applicants is not only a gross affront to “the American way,” but it also promises to strip the workplace of its professionalism. Americans need better.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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