
Human Rights Watch: Israel uses civilian starvation as a weapon of war News

she says”Human Rights WatchYesterday Monday, the Israeli government used starvation of civilians as a tactic of war Gaza Strip occupiers, this constitutes a war crime.

Rights groups argue that Israeli occupying forces have blocked the delivery of water, food and fuel while deliberately impeding humanitarian aid, apparently bulldozing agricultural areas and depriving civilians of supplies necessary for survival.

The report states that Israeli officials, including the defense minister Yoav GalanteAnd the Minister of National Security itama ben gvir Energy Minister Israel Katz has made public statements stating their intention to deprive Gaza civilians of food, water and fuel, noting that these statements are reflected in military operations carried out by the Israeli military.

Meanwhile, other Israeli officials have publicly stated that humanitarian aid to Gaza is conditional on the release of those held by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) or the destruction of the movement.

politics and dispossession

“She has been banned for more than two months,” said Omar Shakur, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. Israel Gazans are being deprived of food and water, a policy urged or endorsed by senior Israeli officials that reflects an intention to starve civilians as a tactic of war.

Omar Shakir called on world leaders to speak out against this heinous war crime, which “has had a devastating impact on the people of Gaza”. Displaced people in the Gaza Strip interviewed by Human Rights Watch described severe difficulties they face in accessing basic necessities.

“We have no food, no electricity, no internet, nothing. We don't know how we survived,” said one man leaving northern Gaza.

In southern Gaza, interviewees described shortages of drinking water, food shortages leading to empty shops, long queues and exorbitant prices, with one father of two saying: “You have to keep looking for what you need to survive.”

On December 6, the United Nations World Food Program reported that 9 out of 10 families in northern Gaza and 2 out of 3 families in southern Gaza had been without food for at least a full day and night.

Israel's military operations in Gaza have also had a devastating impact on its agricultural sector. According to Oxfam, farming has become almost impossible due to ongoing bombing, fuel and water shortages, and the displacement of more than 1.6 million people to southern Gaza.

The Israeli army has launched a devastating war against Gaza for the 74th day in a row, which as of yesterday Monday has killed 19,453 Palestinians, injured 52,286 others, mostly children and women, and caused massive damage to infrastructure, according to Palestinian and U.N. sources said it was an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

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