
International concerns over targeting of medical facilities in Gaza

UN expresses concern over attacks on health facilities Gaza Strip andbank of the westThe Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in the besieged Gaza Strip that Israel is still arresting 26 medical personnel.

and after the announcement global health organization Regarding the 203 attacks on medical facilities in Gaza and the 224 attacks on medical facilities in the occupied West Bank since the “Aqsa Flood” began on October 7, United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric said, “We Concerned about the above attacks. Sanitary facilities should never be used in conflicts.”

Dujarric responds to criticism “We are criticized 360 degrees (from all sides) for the terms we use or do not use,” he said, according to a U.N. statement on Gaza.

Turning to the overall situation in Gaza, he explained that despite the humanitarian truce, “the water supply situation in northern Gaza has not improved” and said that “water production facilities remain closed due to fuel shortages and damage caused by attacks.” .

Dujarric said his organization had received data on the number of victims from Gaza’s health ministry and believed the published figures were correct. He noted that the United Nations welcomes the extension of the Gaza humanitarian ceasefire agreement and continues to call for a ceasefire for humanitarian reasons.

The World Health Organization confirmed that it has recorded 427 Israeli attacks on medical facilities in the besieged Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank since the war began on October 7.

She explained that the attack resulted in the deaths of 560 people in Gaza and 6 in the West Bank, and injured 718 people in Gaza and 40 in the West Bank.

For medical staff

On the other hand, the Palestinian Ministry of Health stated that the Israeli occupying forces are still arresting 26 health personnel led by the Director General. Shifa Medical Center Mohammed Abu Salamiya, and called on all international agencies to “make serious and immediate efforts to free them.”

On November 14, Israeli forces attacked the Shifa Medical Center west of Gaza City after days of siege there, during which they clashed with members of nearby resistance groups.

On November 25, the World Health Organization announced that it had no information about the fate of the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, saying in a statement: “abu salamiya He and five other health workers were arrested while taking part in a United Nations-led mission to evacuate patients.

Yesterday Wednesday, the Director-General of the World Health Organization warned Tedros He said that because of the health catastrophe in Gaza, “the current living conditions and lack of health care in Gaza may lead to illnesses that will lead to more deaths than those lost to Israel’s bombing of Gaza.”

The international official pointed out that about 1.3 million people in Gaza currently live in shelters and emphasized that “Gaza now urgently needs a permanent ceasefire because this matter has become a matter of life and death for civilians.”

He explained that factors such as overcrowding, lack of food and water, basic hygiene requirements, poor sanitation and waste management, and poor access to medicines have resulted in tens of thousands of people contracting various diseases, including acute respiratory infections, scabies, diarrhoea, skin diseases and others. Rashes, jaundice, and other health problems and illnesses.

Israel has tightened its blockade of Gaza since October 7, cutting off electricity and water to residents and preventing the entry of food, medicine and fuel supplies. However, the temporary humanitarian truce that began on Friday the 24th of this month and was subsequently extended has allowed some relief, medical and fuel assistance to enter the besieged area, but many parties confirmed that this assistance can only meet the needs of a small part of the population. need.

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