
Israel behind attacks on Iranian gas pipelines – NYT — RT World News

A source said that the secret operation required deep knowledge of the country's infrastructure

Israel carried out covert strikes against two major natural gas pipelines in Iran this week, marking an escalation in the years-long standoff between the two countries, The New York Times reported.

He added: “Israel has always targeted military and nuclear sites inside Iran.” But this week's attacks on energy infrastructure “It represents an escalation in the secret war and appears to open new frontiers.” The New York Times wrote, citing Western officials.

The newspaper's anonymous sources also attributed a separate incident to an Israeli sabotage operation – an explosion that rocked a chemical factory on the outskirts of Tehran on Thursday, which local officials considered an accident.

The two gas pipelines extend over 1,000 kilometers and carry about 2 billion cubic feet (57 million cubic metres). The explosions caused a temporary halt to about a sixth of Iran's daily natural gas production, causing local power outages.

While Iran said the damage was minor and repairs were completed by Wednesday evening, the strikes amounted to an air strike 'Stern warning' This is the kind of damage Israel can inflict, one of the New York Times' sources told the Times. An Iranian official told the newspaper that given the vast distances and diverse terrain through which the pipelines pass, and regular Iranian patrols, inside knowledge of the regime was needed to carry out the sabotage.

The recent strikes launched by Israel and the United States led to the killing of Iranian leaders in Syria and the targeting of the “axis of resistance” targets in Iraq and Syria. The Axis of Resistance—comprised of Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis in Yemen—is an informal alliance that opposes American and Israeli influence in the Middle East.

Although Iran supports the axis of resistance, it has categorically denied any involvement in the events of October 7 – when Hamas attacked Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking 240 others hostage.

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