
Israel releases 39 Palestinian children, attacks target children news

Israel released 39 Palestinian children on Sunday as part of the terms of the truce, which entered its third day. Gaza StripSimultaneously with the release of prisoners, occupying forces also attacked rallies to receive released prisoners.

hours after launch izdin qassam brigadeThe military wing of the resistance movement (agitationThe third batch of detainees in Gaza includes 13 Israelis. The Israeli Prison Service announced the release of 39 Palestinian prisoners, all children.

Al Jazeera journalists said occupying forces fired bullets and tear gas in Betouniya, near Ramallah, to prevent Palestinians from filming a bus carrying liberated children.

Occupying forces dispersed hundreds of Palestinians who had gathered outside the Esiover military prison in the city of Ramallah to await the release of prisoners. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said in a brief statement that its staff were dealing with two casualties in the area.

On the other hand, Amin Al-Abbasi, an occupied boy, returned to his home in the occupied Jerusalem town of Silwan after being released this evening by Israeli occupation police, Al Jazeera journalists said. and beating members of the Abbasi family before Abbasi was released.

The Bureau of Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Club announced earlier today the names of the third batch of Palestinian prisoners released today. All the names on the list belong to 39 child prisoners, 21 of whom are from Palestine. The city of Jerusalem, one from the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, and the rest are spread across… West Bank governorates.

Qatar’s mediation efforts, in partnership with Egypt and the United States, succeeded in agreeing a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip that will last four days and can be extended, starting on Friday.

The deal includes the first phase of the exchange of 50 civilian women and children prisoners in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of some Palestinian women and children held in Israeli prisons.

The truce also allows for the entry of more humanitarian convoys and relief aid, including fuel to meet humanitarian needs.

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