
Israel selects a retired judge to participate in the Gaza hearing of the International Court of Justice

Yesterday Sunday, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed media reports that Israel intends to send former Israeli Supreme Court judge Aharon Barak to attend the hearing. international court of justice It will take into account South Africa's lawsuit against Israel, accusing it of committing genocide in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister agrees Benjamin Netanyahu Regarding the appointment of 87-year-old Holocaust survivor Aharon Barak to the Israeli panel of judges.

The news of Barak joining the Israeli panel of judges has been widely circulated in the Israeli media. This is a major feature of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The plaintiff and defendant countries can each include one of their own judges to join the 15 judges. Members of the court.

The news was surprising, especially since Barak himself was one of those who publicly criticized Netanyahu's government for trying to pass judicial reforms last year despite strong opposition.

Barak described the proposed justice system reorganization as a “coup of tanks” that could change… Israel Toward an “empty democracy.”

The Times of Israel reported that Barak was widely respected on the international stage and that Netanyahu decided to appoint him based on the recommendation of Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav Mera.

International issues between South Africa and Israel

Three months after the Israeli invasion… Gaza StripAs a result of Israel's ongoing military operations, Israel must appear before the International Court of Justice for the first time.

and i submitted South Africa File a lawsuit with the Israeli Supreme CourtUnited Nations, she accused her of genocide. The court has scheduled a hearing on January 11 and 12.

It is important to note that ICJ rulings are generally binding, but judges do not have the power to impose enforcement of these rulings on states.

South Africa focuses litigation on Convention genocide Signed by both countries. South Africa believes that UN judges must first issue an order to quickly end the war against the Palestinians to protect their rights.

Israel, on the other hand, strongly denies South Africa's accusations. Israel claims Hamas is solely responsible for the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and claims it is doing its best to limit civilian losses in the war.

since”al aqsa floods“Israel is waging a devastating war against Gaza that has so far killed 22,835 Palestinians and injured 58,416 others, mostly children and women. The war has caused massive damage to infrastructure and It left behind an “unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe,” according to Palestinian and international reports.

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