
Israeli media: Exchange agreement means victory for Hamas, Israel has no choice news

Negotiations of a prisoner exchange agreement between the occupation government and…islamic resistance movement (Hamas) In Israeli media coverage, the almost universal tone is that the resistance movement has achieved victory over Israel and that despite the destruction Israel has caused, there is no alternative. in the Gaza Strip.

Analysts criticize government’s acceptance Benjamin Netanyahu They see the exchange of political prisoners as a reward for their actions against the Israelis, while others say Tel Aviv wants to reinstate political prisoners in Gaza and has no choice but to negotiate.

A guest on the Israeli Kan channel said that since October 7 last year, the government has clearly focused on political prisoners, with Hamas members being given priority over political prisoners. For the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah), Israel’s Attorney General ordered a freeze on all negotiations with them.

She added: “However, instead of putting them on trial, the Israeli government gave them a gift through negotiations with them and their defense establishment, which means that the Israeli government is working to resolve their situation, even though they are not Not denying the actions they carried out against the Israelis, but they also brag about them.”

Nafha prison commander Denis Bagun said Hamas prisoners…Islamic Jihad They are currently in isolation in harsh conditions, with each being kept in closed cells for 24 hours and not allowed to leave except in very serious cases, in compliance with the instructions of the Israeli Prison Commissioner.

Analyst Tzivi Yehezqili of Israel’s Channel 13 tried to speak realistically about the matter, saying: Yahya Sanwar Hamas has an advantage at this point. They are very good at negotiating and emphasizing that military operations have results, but those results are not yet complete.

He added, “You make a deal with Hamas and you pay a price that we don’t know, but what we do know is that every deal has drawbacks and benefits.”

Yehezchili believes that the disadvantage of the deal is that Sinwar “will release a quarter of his pressure cards, which will be beneficial to him because he has stopped the Israeli war. The advantage is that father and mother will see theirs again Sons and daughters, we don’t have a solution.”

But the problem, in Yehezchili’s view, is that the dispute will arise between the families of prisoners and will come out in the open. He said the main headline about the deal so far is that “Sinwar and Hamas are still working and they have successfully shifted the conversation about the war to prisoners and detainees inside Israel.”

As for Orian Adal, the granddaughter of Jaffa Adal who was detained in Gaza, she said they were living in very sad, difficult and painful days. They felt like they were in an abyss and they did not know how or when this would happen. This crisis will eventually end, he added. “Doubt is eating away at the remains of our bodies, and hope is fading by the minute.”

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