
Israeli media talks about Qatar initiative regarding Gaza detainees

Israeli media quoted senior officials as saying that all proposals submitted in the Qatar initiative regarding Israeli detainees would ultimately lead to an end to the war Gaza StripAlthough the movement was denied agitation Talk about any initiative.

The war cabinet will discuss efforts to free the hostages despite deep differences between the two factions, officials said, stressing that Israel must now decide whether to agree to a deal that would lead to an end to the conflict, media reported. War and military withdrawal from Gaza.

Officials also said Qatar's proposal was not much different from previous proposals, including a humanitarian-based prisoner exchange in the first phase and a troop withdrawal from Gaza in the final phase.

The U.S. Secretary of State stated Antony Blinken The U.S. government is focusing on freeing prisoners held by Hamas and says it will continue to work with Qatar and Egypt.

In an interview with MSNBC, Blinken added that efforts are also focused on restoring a period of calm and getting prisoner negotiations back on track.

Hamas denies

However, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) denies proposing the Qatar initiative, one of whose terms includes the withdrawal of the movement's leaders from the Gaza Strip.

Israel's Channel 13 spoke about the so-called Qatar proposal and said one of its provisions included the withdrawal of Hamas leaders from the Gaza Strip, but there was no official confirmation from Israel or Qatar.

Osama Hamdan, the movement's leader, responded in Beirut, saying, “In principle no such initiative exists.”

He continued: “The people did not leave their land, so what about the resistance that defended the people? Talk of the resistance leaving and leaving their land is a fantasy, the idea of ​​disarming the resistance is childish and does not reflect the facts of the matter understanding.”

Hamdan considers the talk in the Hebrew media about the move “an operation of deception and misinformation aimed at calming the angry people on the streets, especially those who are watching their children being killed by the occupiers who do not care about them” Prisoner’s family (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin)”. Netanyahu“.

The Prime Minister is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al ThaniHe said on Sunday that ceasefire negotiations in Gaza were ongoing and were going through challenges (..) and the killing of a senior leader of the Palestinian Hamas movement (Saleh Aluri), can affect it.

Egypt, Qatar and the United States are launching efforts to reach a second temporary truce in the Gaza Strip.

On October 7 last year, Hamas launched an attack on settlements around the Gaza Strip, resulting in the death of about 1,200 Israelis, about 5,431 injuries, and at least 239 prisoners. Hamas exchanged dozens of people with Israel during the interim period . A seven-day humanitarian truce ended in early December.

According to Hebrew media reports, a temporary truce at the end of November last year resulted in the release of 105 civilians detained by Hamas, including 81 Israelis, 23 Thai citizens and one Filipino.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Agency reported that Israel released 240 Palestinian prisoners from prisons under the interim ceasefire agreement, as well as 71 female prisoners and 169 children.

Israel estimates that some 137 hostages remain in the Gaza Strip, based on the same media reports and statements by Israeli officials.

The Israeli army has been waging a devastating war in Gaza since October 7 last year, which as of Wednesday has left more than 23,000 martyrs and about 60,000 injured, mostly children and women, as well as massive damage to infrastructure and humanitarian The situation is unprecedentedly serious. According to Gaza Strip authorities and the United Nations, it is a disaster.​​

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