
Israelis and Palestinians argue ‘What would Jesus do?’ — RT World News

Both Israel and the Palestinians have invoked Jesus Christ to support their cause as the brutal conflict in Gaza reaches its fifth month.

Palestinian diplomat Reham Barghouti first invoked the memory of Jesus of Nazareth at a session of the UN Human Rights Council earlier this week, when she condemned Israeli military operations in Gaza that have killed more than 30,000 people and injured 70,000 others so far.

“Jesus was born in Palestine. If Jesus were alive, his soul would cry over the killing of children in the land where he was born.” Barghouti said.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a 14-second video of this statement in Russian Telegram channelalong with stinging condemnation.

“Palestinian representatives at the United Nations are lying again. Jesus was Jewish, born in Judea, and was going to be brutally murdered by Hamas or taken hostage on October 7th. The Palestinian delegation to the United Nations will praise these crimes, as it does now.” The ministry said.

The post was published on Thursday, five months to the day that the Palestinian militant group raided Israeli outposts and settlements near Gaza, killing about 1,200 people and taking more than 200 hostage.

Christians believe that Jesus was born to a Jewish family from Nazareth, now the largest city in the northern region of Israel. Bethlehem, the “little city” in which Christ was born, was located at that time in the Herodian Kingdom, which was controlled by the Romans. It is now a city located about ten kilometers south of divided Jerusalem, in the Palestinian-ruled West Bank, which was historically dominated by Arab Christians, and now has an Arab Muslim majority.

While Jews completely reject the idea of ​​Christ's divinity, Muslims believe he was one of the great prophets and a predecessor of Muhammad. A surah from the Qur’an dedicated to his mother.

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