
Kim Jong-un tests North Korea’s ‘nuclear trigger’ (PHOTOS) — RT World News

North Korea conducted exercises simulating a nuclear counterattack against hostile targets, state media reported on Tuesday. Leader Kim Jong Un has personally observed many of these events “Very large” Multiple missile launchers fire a barrage of missiles towards an island in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The exercises were held on Monday and came just days after Pyongyang tested a new missile 'A very large warhead' Cruise missile and a new type of anti-aircraft missile. The US and South Korean air forces also continue to conduct joint exercises on the peninsula.

The main purpose of Pyongyang's maneuvers was to test the country's so-called ballistic missiles for the first time “Nuclear trigger” Command and control system, as well as enhanced “[the] Rapid counter-attack capability of the state's nuclear force. The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) wrote. Military units have improved procedures and order of operations in a hypothetical scenario in which a warning is issued at the highest level of the nuclear crisis in North Korea in response to the attack.

A barrage of missiles with simulated nuclear warheads “accurately” The Korean Central News Agency reported that the missile hit the target island, about 352 kilometers away. North Korean leader Kim expressed “Great satisfaction” She added the results of the exercise.

The United States, South Korea and Japan have condemned the launches as a threat to regional and international peace and security. will be the case “On the agenda” When US Secretary of State Antony Blinken travels to China this week, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told the press on Monday.

Pyongyang described the exercises as a… 'A clear warning sign' she has “Enemies” Accusing them of operating a “Military confrontation racket.” The joint air exercises between the United States and South Korea, which are scheduled to continue until April 26, have carried out an average of 100 air sorties per day, without even trying to hide their targeting. “Very provocative and aggressive nature” KCNA claimed.

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