
South Korean defense chief orders up plan to kill Kim Jong-un — RT World News

Seoul's special forces have been tasked with preparing to “quickly eliminate” North Korea's leaders if war breaks out

South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik has called for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and other senior officials in Pyongyang to be quickly killed if war breaks out on the peninsula again.

Shin issued his order on Wednesday, Says The South Korean Army's Special Warfare Command prepares to remove North Korean leaders. “If Kim Jong Un starts a war, as a key unit in Korea’s Massive Punishment and Retaliation (KMPR) program, it must become the world’s most powerful special operations unit to quickly eliminate enemy leadership.” He said during a visit to a commando unit southeast of Seoul in Incheon.

KMPR is South Korea's defensive doctrine for delivering a debilitating retaliatory strike in response to a North Korean attack. It is part of Seoul “three axes” A system to deter a new war with Pyongyang, which also includes preemptively eliminating North Korean missile launches and shooting down missiles in flight. Shin visited the Special Forces Command amid continuing tensions in South Korea “Freedom Shield” Military exercises with the US Army.

Kim described such joint exercises as a “rehearsal” To invade North Korea and provoke war. The two Koreas have been technically at war for more than seven decades, after their conflict, which lasted from 1950 to 1953, ended in a truce rather than a peace agreement.

In the latest exercises conducted by Seoul with American forces, special forces worked on this “Infiltrating key command facilities and paralyzing their operations.” South Korea Yonhap News Agency mentioned. The South Korean Army's Special Warfare Command said it was preparing for this 'Various provocations' From the north, including terrorist attacks. “We will take action, forcefully suppress them, and punish them to the end.”

Defense Minister Shin also visited a key wartime command bunker in Seongnam, south of Seoul, on Wednesday. He said the joint exercise would refine operations “Neutralize North Korea's nuclear and missile network at an early stage and attack the enemy in all domains – including land, sea, air, space, cyber and electromagnetic waves. We need to further strengthen our capabilities to be able to overcome them.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula escalated last year amid a wave of North Korean missile tests and threats from Seoul and Washington. Sheen in December threatened to unleash “Hell of destruction” On Pyongyang if it takes North Korea “Rash actions that harm peace.” This pledge came weeks after North Korea launched a spy satellite, which led to… fell apart Of the 2018 agreement aimed at reducing military tensions around the demilitarized zone on the Korean Peninsula.

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