
Almost 30% of Gen-Z American women identify as LGBTQ — RT World News

The proportion of adults with non-traditional gender identities has doubled since 2012

More than 28% of women in the youngest group of adults in the United States identify as LGBTQ, most of them bisexual, according to Gallup's annual report. reconnaissance Published on Wednesday.

The polling agency began asking Americans about their gender identity in 2012. In that time, the number of adults who identify as heterosexual rose from 3.5% to 7.6%.

“In general, each young generation has approximately two times greater probability of being affected than the generation before it.” “To identify as LGBTQ,” the pollster said.

More than one in five Americans in Generation Z (born 1997-2012) identify as LGBTQ, up from approximately one in ten thousand in the generation (1981-1996).

In the 2024 survey, 28.5% of Gen Z women checked one of the LGBT identity boxes, especially “bisexual” (20.7%), with lesbian representing 5.4% and transgender 2.1%. Among men of the same generation, 10.6% identified with the rainbow flag, with bisexuals (6.9%) outnumbering gays (2.8%).

In comparison, only 5.4% of millennial men and 12.4% of women identified as LGBT, the survey said. Older Americans were more likely to identify as gay or lesbian than as bisexual or transgender.

Overall, gays and lesbians represent just over 1% of adults in the United States, compared to bisexuals at 4.4%. Bisexual is the dominant identity in the LGBT camp, at 57.3%. Gallup noted that there was some overlap between identities, as the poll allowed for multiple categories.

The results were based on a telephone survey that included more than 12,000 Americans aged 18 years and above. While 7.6% said they identified as one or more LGBTQ groups, 85.6% said they were heterosexual and 6.8% declined to answer.

The current US government has Everything is gone To support alternative sexual identities, both at home and abroad. By contrast, Russia has banned the LGBTQ community “Advertising” And targeting minors. However, as President Vladimir Putin Recently pointed outRussia is “Quite tolerant towards people with non-traditional sexual orientations” Belief in a “Live and let live” This approach as long as people don't flaunt it – and leave the kids alone.

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