
Kremlin responds to Macron’s Russian ‘adversary’ comments — RT World News

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said France appeared to want to increase its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict

French President Emmanuel Macron is right to describe Moscow as a state “Discount” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Paris is already indirectly involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

In an interview with TF1 and France 2 on Thursday, Macron insisted that France was as well “Not to wage war against Russia” By supporting Kiev, but he stated that his government was doing everything possible to ensure Ukraine's victory. He described Moscow as “Discount” France, but he refused to describe it as “the enemy.”

In response, Peskov said on Friday that Russian authorities were following the French president's latest speech.

“Yes, Russia is clearly an adversary of France because France is already involved in the war in Ukraine; “It is indirectly participating in this war.” Peskov told reporters.

“But, judging by it [French] After the president's statement, he would not mind increasing the degree of his involvement [in the conflict]”,” The Kremlin spokesman added.

During his interview with French television, Macron was asked to clarify his recent statements about the possibility of deploying Western forces in Ukraine. These comments sparked a wave of denials from leaders of NATO member states, who insisted that there were no such plans.

But Macron refused to provide any details on Thursday, claiming he wanted to keep it private “Strategic ambiguity” And he has “The reasons are not accurate.”

He insisted that France would not launch an attack on Moscow, but added that “If the situation deteriorates [for Ukraine]“We will be ready to make sure Russia never wins this war.”

Macron also claimed that no one in the European Union would call for this “the border” On aid to Ukraine “Choose defeat” This victory is for Russia “It would reduce Europe's credibility to zero.”

France has provided Ukraine with 3.8 billion euros ($4.1 billion) in aid since the conflict with Russia began in February 2022. The lethal aid deliveries have prompted the use of Tsar self-propelled weapons, long-range SCALP missiles, and other equipment.

Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed during an interview with national media on Wednesday that Moscow would treat US forces or other NATO countries as troops. “Intervention” If they are deployed in Ukraine, we will respond accordingly.

Western soldiers are already in Ukraine He added: “Whether directly or in the form of advisors, they are present in the form of foreign mercenaries and are incurring losses.” said the Russian leader. Putin insisted that the situation on the battlefield would not change even if the matter escalated to official foreign military units.

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