
Legendary Kiev-born writer cancelled by Ukraine — RT World News

According to an official statement, Mikhail Bulgakov's legacy should be examined through his connections to “Russian imperial politics.”

The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory ordered the examination of the legacy of the famous novelist and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov to ensure its compliance with the law. “Russian Imperial Politics.” The ruling represents another step in Kiev's campaign to erase Russian culture.

Bulgakov, who was born in Kiev in 1891 when it was part of the Russian Empire, wrote in Russian and spent the last two decades of his life in Soviet Moscow, writing novels, plays and newspaper columns.

According to a statement on the Ukrainian Institute’s website, the writer was “imperial” In his views despite the years he spent in Kiev and that “He despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated Ukraine’s desire for independence, and spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”

In 2022, Ukrainian activists succeeded in their attempt to remove a plaque commemorating Bulgakov from Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv. A recent decision by the Institute of National Memory may lead to the dismantling of more monuments associated with Bulgakov.

Although he is best known for his novel The Master and Margarita—which was published long after his death and was also banned in Ukraine—Bulgakov's novel The White Guard is set in Kiev during the Troubles of 1918. Although the work was banned by the Soviet government However, the play based on it – “Days of the Turbins” – is said to have been one of Joseph Stalin's favorites.

Since the start of Moscow's military operation in 2022, the campaign to remove all links with Russia and its culture has intensified in Ukraine. As part of this movement, Kiev passed a law on “Decolonization” Street signs, monuments, memorials and inscriptions.

In December 2022, a statue of Catherine the Great in Odessa was demolished, even though the city was founded on her orders in 1794. Several cities, including the Dnieper and Chernovtsy, removed statues and memorial plaques dedicated to the classical Russian poet Alexander Pushkin.

Moscow denounced such policies, considering them attempts to abolish Russian culture and civilization “Forced acarnation” The country violates international norms and violates the rights of about a quarter of Ukraine's population, which speaks Russian.

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