
Suspected Israeli hitman caught in Malaysia — RT World News

The arrested person, who was traveling on a French passport, was found in possession of six firearms

Malaysian police have arrested a heavily armed Israeli national who investigators believe may be a Mossad hit man and a member of a larger spy network. The suspect recently arrived in the country on a French passport and claims he came to kill an Israeli citizen in a family dispute.

Inspector General of Police Rida Uddin Hussein announced the arrest during a press conference on Friday. The 36-year-old suspect entered Malaysia on March 12 and was staying at a hotel in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, at the time of his arrest.

“During the investigation, the suspect showed another passport issued by Israel. The six weapons were found in a bag in his hotel room. Al-Hussein said.

The suspect reportedly told police that he came to the country to find and kill an Israeli citizen, according to A “Family matter” As his motivation. However, Hussein noted that the man refused to divulge information about his job, and said that investigators could not rule out that the suspect was linked to the Israeli intelligence agency (Mossad).

“We don’t fully believe what this suspect is telling us, maybe he has another agenda because he has been here since March 12. We found that the weapons were purchased using cryptocurrency.” The official said.

Police are now investigating how the arsenal, which included various types of handguns, was smuggled into the country. The official indicated that the police also seized about 200 rounds of ammunition, while three rifles were loaded.

The investigation also believes the suspected killer likely had accomplices in the country and was presumed to have been a member of a larger group. “We have not identified the others. We will also verify the authenticity of his passport with the French embassy. The inspector general said.

So far, neither France nor Israel have made any public statements on this issue.

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