
Macron slams Moscow’s claims of French role in terror attack — RT World News

Paris had previously said that it had no intelligence information linking the shooting at Crocus City Hall to Kiev

French President Emmanuel Macron denied claims that Paris may have been involved in the Crocus City Hall massacre outside Moscow, speaking to French media on Thursday. In a phone call on Wednesday with his French counterpart Sébastien Lecornu, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu suggested that Kiev's Western backers, including Paris, may have been behind the attack.

The terrorist incident that occurred in March led to the deaths of more than 140 people, after gunmen stormed a crowded music venue near the capital. The suspected shooters were arrested by Russian law enforcement authorities on their way to the Ukrainian border.

The French and Russian Defense Ministers spoke by phone on Wednesday. The Russian Defense Ministry stated that during the conversation, Lecorno repeatedly told his Russian counterpart that Western countries and Ukraine had no role in the massacre.

Shoigu responded that he had intelligence information to the contrary, saying: He added, “The Kiev regime does nothing without the approval of its Western supporters.”

He added: “We hope that in this case the French intelligence services are not behind this.” he added.

Macron called the statements “silly,” “Baroque and menacing.” “This doesn't make any sense” To say that France “It could be behind [the Moscow terror attack] And the Ukrainians are behind this.” The president told the media on Thursday.

He added that the phone call came because of Paris's desire to participate “useful information” as part of “Joint work” Among countries affected by terrorism.

Moscow also asserts that the terrorists had “Window” In preparation for them to cross the border into Ukraine. While the Islamic State's Afghanistan wing (ISIS-K) claimed responsibility for the attack, the head of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, indicated in March that the US, UK and Ukraine may have been involved.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that Kiev's relationship to the issue is clear. “Especially since Ukraine's involvement in other terrorist attacks on Russian territory is no longer in doubt.” He pointed to the assassinations of journalists Daria Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky as examples of terrorist acts in Kiev.

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