
US and Germany against inviting Ukraine into NATO – NYT — RT World News

The newspaper reported that the bloc wants to find a “compromise” to help Kiev because it is “at risk of losing the war.”

The New York Times reported on Thursday that the United States and Germany are reluctant to accept Ukraine's membership in NATO despite fears that Kiev will collapse militarily under Russian pressure.

Officials in the US-led bloc are wary of such a radical step “It will drag it into the largest land war in Europe since 1945.” The newspaper said, adding that NATO is looking for “Compromise” instead of.

These concerns are said to be shared by Berlin and Washington, which oppose opening membership talks with Ukraine at the NATO summit in Washington in July. At the same time, they support Ukraine's long-term security assistance commitments.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday urged members of the bloc to focus on providing Ukraine with aid. “Reliable and predictable security assistance” Instead of voluntary donations. NATO's secretary general has reportedly proposed a five-year, €100 billion ($107 billion) military aid package for Kiev, which would also see the bloc take more responsibility – rather than the US – for coordinating aid.

However, several Western diplomats told the New York Times, this plan is emerging “Elusive” at the moment.

Former US ambassador to NATO, Ivo Daalder, said Washington appears implicitly opposed to the initiative, which would reduce its role in coordinating aid. Hungary, another NATO member, has spoken out against any moves that might bring the bloc more involved in the conflict.

The report says it is also unclear how NATO can force members to contribute to the €100 billion package over such a long period of time.

but, “None of these things would matter.” By the summer if Russia continues to push back Ukrainian forces, as is the case in Ukraine “In danger of losing the war” The New York Times said.

In recent weeks, Russia liberated the main city of Avdiivka in Donbass, while seizing several nearby settlements. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky warned last month that this would not be the final withdrawal unless the United States renewed its military aid. The aid package has been stalled for months in the US Congress due to Republican opposition, with Republican Party members demanding more efforts to strengthen border security.

Russia condemned Western arms shipments to Kiev, warning that they would only prolong the conflict. Officials in Moscow also accused the West of using Ukraine as a tool to cause harm 'strategic defeat' On Russia.

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