
‘No reason’ for Russia not to support US-backed resolution on nukes in space – White House — RT World News

Washington expects Moscow to vote in favor of a document that the latter rejected earlier, describing it as “detached from reality.”

White House national security communications adviser John Kirby said Thursday that Washington expects Moscow to vote in favor of a US-backed resolution on not deploying nuclear weapons in space.

Kirby added that the document will be put to a vote in the United Nations Security Council in New York next week. The draft resolution stipulates that countries “Nuclear weapons or any other type of weapon of mass destruction designed to be placed into orbit should not be developed.”

The draft resolution was prepared by the United States and Japan after Bloomberg reported in February that officials in Washington believed Moscow could deploy an anti-satellite nuclear weapon or mock warhead into space as early as this year. Moscow has strongly denied the allegation, as has Russian President Vladimir Putin “Unfounded accusations”

He added: “We heard President Putin say that Russia has no intention of deploying nuclear weapons in space.” Kirby said Thursday. He added: “So we look forward to Russia voting in favor of this resolution. There should be no reason not to.” he added.

If this proposal is adopted, it will reaffirm the expectations that countries have to do “Full compliance” With its obligations under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which bans weapons of mass destruction in orbit.

Russia has since criticized the draft resolution, describing it as such “Detached from reality.” According to First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky, the document was not drafted or discussed by internationally recognized experts in this field. Russia has veto power in the UN Security Council as a permanent member.

Putin said in February that Russia had always been strongly opposed to the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. But he added that Washington is trying to drag Moscow into negotiations that are exclusively beneficial to the United States. The president noted that Russia had offered the United States a draft treaty on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons in orbit in 2008, but noted that Washington had blocked the proposal since then.

In late 2021, the US Space System Command announced plans for development “next generation” In response to satellites “Rising space threats.” It was reported in October that the Space Force was to build nuclear viable satellites for the US military and its nuclear command, control and communications network. In January, a senior Pentagon official described space as America's property “The most important combat field” It is an integral part of the country's national security.

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