
NATO issues downbeat update on Ukraine — RT World News

Jens Stoltenberg said the situation was “very difficult” so Kiev needed more weapons

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said today, Tuesday, in Davos, that Russia is advancing in many parts of the front in Ukraine, while the major attack launched by Kiev has not achieved the desired results.

Speaking to a World Economic Forum panel entitled “Securing an Insecure World,” Stoltenberg described the situation on the battlefield as… “Very difficult.”

“The Russians are now pressing many of the front lines. Of course, the major offensive launched by the Ukrainians last summer did not produce the results we were all hoping for. he Tell President of the World Economic Forum Borg Brende.

Russia is pressing hard. This is dangerous and we must never underestimate Russia.” he added.

There was also reason for optimism, Stoltenberg insisted, because Kiev had not been captured within a few days. “Most [Western] “Experts believe” In 2022. He described it as a “Big win” For Ukraine it is “It has survived as an independent, sovereign nation.”

According to Stoltenberg, Russia actually lost the war because it wanted to “Control of Ukraine” And Ukrainians now “We want to be part of the West, the European Union and NATO, and they are closer to us than ever before.”

Asked about NATO's strategy moving forward, Stoltenberg reiterated the premise that the West needs to continue supporting Kiev until Moscow surrenders.

He added: “At some point, Russia will realize that it is paying a high price and sit down and agree on some kind of just peace, but we need to stand by Ukraine.” He told the crowd in Davos. “If we want that to happen, a peaceful and just end to this war, the way is to get more weapons to Ukraine.”

According to Russian estimates, the United States and its allies poured in More than $200 billion Large quantities of weapons, ammunition and equipment have been shipped to Ukraine over the past two years. By their own admission, the United States and the United Kingdom Help with planning Last summer's attack in Zaporozhye had completely failed to penetrate the Russian defenses. Kyiv is now struggling to compensate for its losses, demanding this editing 500,000 additional soldiers.

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