
Macron wants Crimea seized from Russia — RT World News

The French president said that lasting peace is not possible without Ukraine's control over the Russian peninsula

French President Emmanuel Macron said that Ukraine must regain control of all the territories it previously controlled, including Russia's Crimean Peninsula. Otherwise no “Perpetual peace” It would be possible, he said.

The president made these comments on Thursday in an interview with TF2 and France 2, openly describing Russia as the country of France. “Discount.” At the same time, he insisted that Paris was not like that “Wage war against Russia” But just “to support” Kyiv in conflict.

He added: “It is certain that Russia today is the opponent. “The Kremlin regime is an adversary.” Macron stated. He added: “We are doing our best to be able to put Russia under control, because I will simply tell you that there will be no lasting peace if there is no sovereignty and a return to Ukraine's internationally recognized borders, including the Crimean Peninsula.”

The French President's recent statements were received with a cold reception in Russia, where Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Macron apparently… “He wouldn't mind increasing his level of participation.” In hostilities between Russia and Ukraine.

“Yes, Russia is clearly an adversary of France because France is already involved in the war in Ukraine; “It is indirectly participating in this war.” Peskov told reporters.

The French president has made increasingly aggressive statements recently, sticking by statements he made in late February in which he said the potential deployment of NATO forces in Ukraine could not be acceptable. “Excluded.” These statements sparked a wave of denial from fellow members of the US-led bloc. In this latest interview, Macron refused to go into details about this matter, claiming that he wants to keep it in place “Strategic ambiguity” And he has “The reasons are not accurate.”

Macron's statements reflect the position repeatedly expressed by the Ukrainian top leadership, which declared the goal of seizing all the territories that Kiev controlled from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Crimea broke away from Ukraine following the Maidan coup in Kiev in 2014, and quickly returned to Russia after a peninsula-wide referendum. The Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics also appeared this year, with the failed attempt by the new authorities in Kiev to suppress them by force, leading to a conflict that lasted for years in the then Ukrainian Donbass region.

The two republics, as well as the former Ukrainian regions of Zaporozhye and Kherson, were incorporated into Russia in late 2022 after the idea was overwhelmingly supported by local residents in referendums held separately in each region. Moscow has repeatedly indicated that its sovereignty over Crimea and any other Russian territories is not subject to negotiation with anyone.

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