
Migrants clash with cops in the Hague (VIDEOS) — RT World News

Riot police deployed on the streets of The Hague in an attempt to quell violent clashes that broke out between two rival groups in the Dutch city late on Saturday.

Two groups of Eritreans clashed in the Opera's conference hall on Frutwig Street. After the initial confrontation, police pushed a group of people outside, trying to separate them. However, in the streets, rioters threw bricks, debris and even bicycles at the Opera Hall and the police, trying to get back into the building.

Riot police were seen protecting the opera hall from hundreds of rioters, while other first responders focused on damage already done to the building.

Rioters also set fire to at least two police cars. Emergency services attempted to control the fires, while more law enforcement officers were withdrawn from surrounding areas to reinforce the police presence.

According to local news, one group opposes the current government in Eritrea, while the other group is pro-government.

This is not the first violent incident of this kind among Eritreans in Europe. More than 50 people were injured at the Eritrea and Scandinavia Festival in Stockholm in August last year, when more than 1,000 anti-government protesters stormed the event and clashed with festival-goers, setting tents on fire and clashing with police.

By evening, the opera hall was damaged but secured, while the row of cars in front of the building burned. About 800 people took shelter inside the opera's conference hall during the riot.

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