
Military Analyst: Qassam Brigades Succeed in Integrating Occupation Forces with Its Armistice Commitment News

Military expert Fayez Al-Duwairi said that the Martyr Izz al-Din Brigades KassamThe military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitationIt succeeded in bringing the Israeli occupation into compliance with its obligations under the armistice agreement that came into force the day before yesterday, Friday.

Hamas accused the Israeli occupying forces of violating the armistice agreement and not complying with the standards for releasing prisoners, while the Qassam Brigades said it had decided to postpone the release of the second batch of Israeli prisoners until the occupying forces complied with the terms of the armistice agreement. The agreement came after Doha announced that mediation efforts had succeeded in overcoming obstacles to releasing a second batch of prisoners. in a prisoner exchange agreement.

Duhuaili explained in a military analysis for Al Jazeera that the most prominent of these violations, and the one that had the greatest impact on the implementation of the second batch of prisoner releases, was the Israeli march over the southern area of ​​Khan Younis.of Gaza StripThis poses a huge threat to the security of Qassam and its activities, especially during the transfer of Israeli prisoners.

Duhuaili said the flights of these planes over Khan Younis have certain implications and risks because Qassam has adopted a special mechanism for releasing prisoners, hoping to ensure the security of the organization and its secrets through this mechanism. Whereabouts, place of departure and nature of operations. A basic condition for an armistice was that there would be no aviation for four days. south of the area.

He explained that the control and strict security rules of the Qassam Brigade emphasize the prohibition of taking photos in any way that can be analyzed and used to gain partial knowledge of the tunnel network or working mechanisms. The announcement of the resumption of the tunnel exchange process therefore means that mediators have succeeded in forcing the occupation to comply with the terms of the agreement, including a ban on aircraft flights. Israel.

Regarding the redeployment of Israeli occupying forces in the Gaza Strip and its borders, Duvairi said that the initial impression is that combat vehicles have been withdrawn from built-up areas because their survival will be threatened. There would be dangers if the ceasefire were broken at any time.

He pointed out that in this context, the Qassam Brigade will monitor the situation around the clock. If the ceasefire is broken and fighting resumes, its troops will withdraw from various places, which may cause heavy losses to the Syrian government forces. The Israeli occupation prompted the occupying forces to relocate their troops and equipment from a number of locations. He thinks it’s dangerous.

He also listed the reasons why the occupying forces mobilized troops and equipment, redeployed for upcoming operations, resupplied various requirements, replaced teams, repaired what needed repair, and carried out comprehensive logistical reinforcements. Replace some commanders who proved unsuccessful.

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