
Military defeat and division…the “Al-Aqsa Flood” is how this policy destabilizes Israel

Occupied Jerusalem—— As Israel's war continues Gaza StripMore failures and intelligence failures were revealed in preventing surprise attacks by the Islamic resistance (agitation) about settlementsGaza coverAnd the Western Negev.

The battle's impact is also growing. “al aqsa floods“By draining the Israeli military militarily and financially and contributing to building unity on the regional stage.

On Friday, Israeli media highlighted the failure of the security services and military intelligence to withhold information and warnings about Hamas' preparations and preparations for attacks in the south from the Israeli army chief of staff and his chief of staff, Hertz Halevi.

Izvestia's Saturday Supplement investigation also revealed the secrecy maintained by Unit 8200 (AMAN), the Israeli military intelligence service, about information and signals monitored from the Gaza Strip in the months leading up to the events of October 7, 2023.

1 Army Chief of Staff Halevi concealed information and warnings about Hamas’ expected attack on Israel (photographed by an Israeli Army spokesman and freely disseminated by the media)
Army Chief of Staff Halevi (centre) (Israel Defense Forces spokesman) withheld information about expected Hamas attacks

Discretion and Investigation

Intelligence information surrounds planning Qassam Brigade Hamas's military wing conducts military operations in the Gaza Strip, but chief of staff officials and Israeli army commanders were unaware of the attack until days after it occurred.

General Yaron Winkelmann, commander of the Army's southern region, and the chief of staff were not informed of some of the threats, and information about specific warnings about Hamas military operations in the south was withheld from them while the movement was under “Aqsa” In the months leading up to the Flood battle, he was treated with “contempt”.

Investigative journalist Nadav Eyal, who prepared the investigation, said this approach to dealing with Hamas was “the reason why Chief of Staff Halevi decided to set up an external investigative team.” About three months ago in What is happening in Israel is more dangerous than the Yom Kippur War.” , “Underestimating Hamas in 2023. This is far greater than underestimatingEgypt andSyria forward October War 1973. “

According to the newspaper's investigative report, on the evening of October 6 last year, unusual events and movements began to occur in the Gaza Strip. Military intelligence agencies usually warn and report “signs” of attacks or attacks. war.

“At the beginning of the night, an indicative signal arrived thanks to the operation carried out by the public security services,” she added.Shin Bet“Raising suspicions about the possibility of a ground attack on Israeli territory.”

“Such things have happened in the past. There have been no raids, ground attacks or armed operations across the security fence with the Gaza Strip,” Eyal noted.

Therefore, on the one hand, Israeli journalists said: “With the arrival of Shin Bet chief Ronan Bar at the intelligence headquarters and the start of consultations, the matter is being taken seriously. But on the other hand, the consultations resulted in the fact that it cannot be said to be a sign “Absolutely, there were ground operations or even just attacks.”

Eyal added: “There were also some eerie signs that were not taken seriously during the Shin Bet consultations, allegedly to reduce the possibility that this was preparation for an attack.”

I don’t know what the exact signal was, the Israeli journalist continued: “But I can imagine that, on the one hand, a Hamas activist leaves his house in the middle of the night, and on the other hand, Israeli consultations mean nothing happens.” will happen and end without a decision. “

“Zero Moment”

In the hours before the surprise attack, Chief of Staff Halevi, Southern Command Commander Winkelman and Army Combat Wing Commander General Oded Pashuk asked themselves: What happened? At the headquarters of Unit 8200 in the south, something important and fundamental is happening, confirming that the moment of ground zero for the attack on the “Gaza Strip” is coming.

Eyal said the Israeli military told me that “the unrest intensified as dawn approached. Increasing signals from enemies in the Gaza Strip, presumably transmitted through Hamas's communications network, increased the likelihood of conflict.” Possibility. “An attack on Israel is imminent.”

In the same conversation the Chiefs of Staff had at dawn, the investigation revealed that Unit 8200 did not send any actual signals, warnings or messages, nor were any senior military intelligence officials present in the conversation, and that Southern Command was unaware of Hamas's What happened to the means of communication, despite numerous talks taking place during the night.

While the battle for the “Aqsa Flood” has repercussions on the Israeli military and political scene, fighting in the Gaza Strip continues, but it is unclear whether a full-scale war will break out… Hezbollah on the northern border with lebanonAt the same time, the Israeli army is fighting over the 2024 security budget.

Given the high cost of the Gaza war, the Israeli army has requested a budget of 95 billion shekels ($26 billion), which is about 5% of the gross national product.

The Israeli Finance Ministry, on the other hand, opposed this and was content with allocating a maximum of 85 billion shekels and limiting budget allocations by requiring the military to develop austerity plans and rationalize spending. According to the “Ynet” website owned by “New News”.


Ynet military affairs analyst Yossi Yehoshua said the finance ministry was in no rush to approve the budget increase requested by the military and provided for an inventory of accounts and an investigation into matters that revealed its failures after the incident. Investigate the usage, financial resources and budget of Al-Aqsa Flood and whether it is being used for its intended purpose.

A major battle is unfolding between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Security. Yehoshua said: “The budget required to deal with the large number of challenges and threats on all sides is exceeded, and it is clear to all parties that the situation before October 7 will not happen.” Return, the war scenes on all fronts are greater than ever All closer. “long, long ago”.

The impact of the “Aqsa Flood” is not limited to Israel. The path of “Phalanx unity” adopted by Palestinian resistance factions in recent rounds of fighting with the Israeli army has also changed. According to Arab and Middle Eastern affairs analysts at Haaretz, this was transformed into a regional model during the war in Gaza.

Barel believed that the Palestinian resistance model developed during Operation Wall Guard 2 (Jerusalem Sword) in May 2021 has been adopted by various armed factions in the region and neighboring countries, adding that with the war in Gaza, various The fronts are united by the unity of the battlefield, which was invented and established by Palestinian resistance factions.

Barel believed that the unit square model the Middle East Prioritizing the region's Arab and Islamic resistance factions over the United States and the great powers has allowed them to achieve at every level.

Barr noted that Hezbollah andHouthis armed islamic militia Iraq With the support of the “Axis of Resistance” they were able to achieve success in the struggle for independence, far from the dictates of… IranHe said, “After the Gaza war ends, they do not intend to disappear from the stage, and they will continue to face more challenges for the United States, major powers and Israel.”

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