
Military expert: Israel’s options in Gaza are narrowing, cap on U.S. support begins to fall News


Major General Fayez al-Duwairi, a military and strategy expert, said many factors are putting pressure on the occupying forces and political decision-makers. Israel On the resumption of military operations Gaza StripAlthough the Army has the combat capability of a U.S. airlift presence.

In an analysis for Al Jazeera, he expressed doubts about Washington’s continued support for the Gaza war, noting that support caps had begun to fall at a time when he hoped Democratic Party To save myself.

He noted that following the return of detainees and the military’s failure to release any prisoners, Israeli society prefers the path of peace, especially when the cost of human casualties is high.

complete failure

Regarding the approval of the Chief of Staff occupation force Hertz Halevi accuses the military and intelligence services of failing to prevent… Attack of October 7Duhuaili said that from a strategic, operational and tactical perspective, this failure was not only political but also military. The defeat continued over the next few days, with landing operations in the rear of the Gaza Strip and an attack on a base. Qi Jin navy.

Regarding the ground attack on Gaza, he emphasized that the occupation relied on speed and surprise, based on the principles of intimidation and shock, but despite the unprecedented bombardment, the process of ground operations was always an intelligence failure.

He reiterated that the occupation was dealing with “ghosts and black boxes,” referring to Gaza’s resistance members, saying they were seeking eternal life rather than a mortal earthly life.

He noted that the Israeli military has relied too much on technology in recent years and, after building a wall on its borders with the Sinai, Jordan and Gaza, “and entrenched itself behind the wall,” it is no longer the force to defeat Arab armies.

Regarding Abu Ubaida, Spokesperson… Qassam Brigade “The military wing of the Islamic resistance”agitation“-The occupation soldiers were not ready and they were shouting for help on the battlefield. Duvaly said that this army was arriving and wandering around… bank of the west Because he was facing an unarmed people, and he was too cowardly to confront any military force.

As for the accuracy of the soldier loss figures announced by the occupying forces, Duhuaili cited historical factors, because it is customary to announce figures, but the actual figures appear later, disclosed by the media and through various events.

He said the announcement of the occupation’s new losses came under pressure from Haaretz – which faced counter-statements calling for its closure – prompting the newspaper to threaten to go to the Supreme Court, arguing that it was only a preliminary announcement and would be followed by a follow-up announcement. This will take a long time.

He confirmed that Abu Ubaida had credibility on the streets of Israel, and that Kassam’s video contained various scenes, some of which included complete vehicle explosions, suggesting that Al Yassin’s tandem shells were lethal. point, causing the vehicle to explode and kill the occupants.

Other videos also show that the Yasin shells reached places with less impact, such as towers or shields, while here – Duwari said – the mechanism collapsed, the soldiers inside were forced down, and then they faced machine guns, large Most people were injured.

Reviewing the death toll of the occupying forces during the war from 1948 to 2023, Duvali emphasized that close combat would result in huge casualties and cited Israel’s losses in previous wars.

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