
The “Aqsa Flood” brought them back to the forefront.These are the most important life prisoner policies Hamas demands

Ramallah- As prisoner exchange talks resume between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Islamic Resistance Movement)agitation) andIsrael Famous figures and prominent leaders who were sentenced to life imprisonment returned to the scene. Some are leaders of the movement and its military factions, and some are from other factions that Israel refused to release in the 2011 “Freedom of Allegiance” agreement.

Life imprisonment is not limited to years. The common answer among lawyers is life imprisonment, but as the profession resumed seizing the bodies of martyrs in 2015, life imprisonment means the possibility of imprisoning the bodies after death.

The life-sentence inmates are accused of planning, executing or participating in actions that resulted in the killing of Israelis. Usually, each life sentence indicates the existence of a dead person, and multiple life sentences mean multiple deaths, and may reach dozens of life sentences, and the number is large.

Hamas’s insistence

Some of the names were at the top of a list Hamas had previously demanded prisoners in exchange for the soldier during negotiations for the “Freedom of Allegiance” deal. Gilad Shalit They have not been released and their names were at the top of the movement’s demand list after the movement’s soldiers were captured during and after the 2014 invasion, and experts expect those names will now return to the forefront.

According to a Palestinian source familiar with the negotiations of the 2011 agreement, Israel is firm in its stance that it will not release prisoners it considers “the most dangerous”, whether in terms of thoughts, mentality or participation in actions.

“Even if we think Israel is finished, we will take these people with us wherever we go,” the source – a former prisoner – quoted an Israeli official as saying. Mahmoud Issa and the two Moas brothers, Osman Bilal, Abdul Nasser Issa and Ibrahim HamedAbbas Said andAbdullah Barghouti.

she announced izdin qassam brigade The Hamas movement’s military wing said it captured 200 to 250 Israelis, including soldiers, on October 7 in order to exchange them for some 7,000 Palestinian prisoners, including more than 550 who were sentenced to life imprisonment or several times.

Here are brief definitions of the most famous prisoner leaders:

  • Mahmoud Issa (Hamas)

Prisoner Mahmoud Issa (55), from the eastern town of Anata, was arrested Jerusalem– June 3, 1993, before signing Oslo Accords between Palestine Liberation Organization And Israel, who was sentenced to three life sentences and 40 years in prison for kidnapping and killing an Israeli soldier in an attempt to free prisoners led by the late Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

  • Moas and Osman Said Bilal (Hamas)

Brothers Osman (53) and Moas (52), both from the city of Nablus, were arrested on 19 August 1995. Osman, one of Hamas’s most prominent leaders, is accused of being behind a series of martyrdoms against Israelis that left dozens dead and wounded, while Moas has been sentenced to life in prison on similar charges.

  • Abdul Nasser Issa (Hamas)

Abdel Nasser Issa (55) was arrested in Nablus on 19 August 1995 along with prisoner Osman Bilal and accused of involvement in the martyrdom in Jerusalem. Sentenced to two terms of life imprisonment and 20 years in prison. He was one of the most prominent leaders of the prisoner movement.

  • Ibrahim Hamed (Hamas)

On 23 August 2006, Ibrahim Hamed (58) from Ramallah was arrested after an eight-year manhunt. He is accused of leading the Qassam Brigades bank of the west Responsible for preparing martyrdom operations, he was sentenced to life imprisonment 54 times.

Prisoner Ibrahim Hamed
Prisoner Ibrahim Hamed has been sentenced to life imprisonment 54 times (Al Jazeera)
  • Abbas Said (Hamas)

Prisoner Abbas Al-Sayyid (57 years old) from the city of Tulkarem was last arrested on May 8, 2002 and was sentenced to 36 years to life plus 200 years in prison.

  • Abdullah Barghouti (Hamas)

Barghouti (51 years old) was born in Kuwait In 1972, he moved to Jordan back second gulf war In 1990, he obtained Jordanian citizenship and moved to Palestine 1997.

He was arrested on 5 March 2003 in the city of Bire in the central West Bank. He was the person sentenced to the largest sentence in the history of the occupation, having been sentenced to 67 life sentences in addition to his life sentence. Accused of carrying out seven commando operations and participating in seven bombings that killed 67 Israelis and injured another 500, he was sentenced to 5,200 years in prison.

Blog - Abdullah Barghouti
Abdullah Barghouti, the largest ruler in the history of Israeli occupation (social networking site)
  • Wael Mahmoud Mohammed Ali Qasim (Hamas)

Qasim (53 years old) comes from the town of Silwan in Jerusalem. He was arrested on August 18, 2002. He was accused of participating in the Hamas movement and cooperating with armed groups affiliated with Hamas and was sentenced to 35 years in prison and 50 years in prison. Its military wing.

  • Gamal Abu Hija (Hamas)

Abu Al-Hija (64) was born in the camp embryoand move between Saudi Arabia Kuwait returned to Palestine in 1990 and was last arrested on August 26, 2002. He was sentenced to nine life sentences for leading military operations in the Jenin refugee camp during the 2002 Palestinian invasion and participating in the killing of seven Israelis.

  • Ammar Zaben (Hamas)

Prisoner Al-Zaben (48), from Ras al-Ain, Nablus region, detained since 11 January 1998, sentenced to 27 life sentences in addition to 25 years in prison for the crimes of Al-Qassam Brigade members are responsible for carrying out a range of operations.

Prisoner Nar Barghouti
Prisoner Nael Barghouti spent 44 years in Occupy Prison (Social Network)
  • Nal Barghouti (Hamas)

In November this year, Al-Assir entered Nar Barghouti (66) This year marks his 44th year in occupation prison, 34 of which he has spent in consecutive incarcerations, making him the oldest Palestinian prisoner.

Nair was arrested several times and most notably was sentenced to life and 18 years in prison in December 1977. He was subsequently released on October 18, 2011 on a “loyalty to freedom” agreement, but was rearrested less than three years later and had his previous sentence reinstated.

  • Marwan Barghouti (Fatah)

Born a member of the Central Committee of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Open) Marwan Barghouti A native of the village of Kober, northwest of Ramallah city (65 years old). He was arrested several times and deported from the West Bank since 1967, only to return as authorities were established. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for 5 years.He has been accused of leading the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of the Fatah movement in the West Bank. al aqsa uprising.

Palestinian activists react to video leaked by Israel of hunger-striking prisoner Marwan Barghouti.
Marwan Barghouti, a prominent leader of the Fatah movement, serves five life sentences in an occupation prison (activist)
  • Mohammed Abu Wald (Hamas)

Muhammad Attiya Mahmoud Abu Wardeh (47), a prisoner at Al-Fawwar camp in Hebron governorate, was arrested on 4 November 2002. He belonged to the Qassam Brigade and was responsible for several operations in which 45 Israelis were killed.

Ahmed Mugrabi (Hamas)

Ahmed Youssef Ahmed Al-Mughrabi (48 years old), from Bethlehem, arrested on 27 May 2002. He was sentenced to 18 life sentences for his role in carrying out operations that resulted in the death of Israel.

Ahmed Sadat
Ahmed Sadat, secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is one of the most famous Palestinian prisoners (Al Jazeera)
  • Ahmed Sadat (Popular Front)

He was born as secretary-general popular front for the liberation of palestine Ahmed Sadat 70 years old, from Birekh. On 14 March 2006, he was arrested at the Palestinian Authority prison in the city of Jericho and sentenced to 30 years in prison on suspicion of assassinating Israelis. Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’evi poses with members of the Front in 2001.

  • Tal Hamad (Fatah)

Thaer Kayed Qaddoura Hammad (43 years old), a resident of Sylwad Town, Ramallah District, was arrested on October 3, 2004 and sentenced to 11 life sentences . He was nicknamed the “Oyoun al-Haramiyah” sniper because of his weaponry. In 2002, the Israeli army conducted a sniper operation in the “Oyoun al-Haramiyah” area near Ramallah, resulting in the deaths of 11 Israeli soldiers.

**For internal use only*** Six inmates successfully escape from high-security Gilboa prison
Six prisoners successfully escaped from the high-security Gilboa prison (communication website)
  • Prisoners of the Underground (Islamic Jihad and Fatah)

September 6, 2021, prisoners Munadil Yaqoub Nfa’at, Muhammad Qasim Al-Arda, Yaqoub Mahmoud Qadri, Ayham Fouad Kamamji and Mahmoud Abdullah Al-Arda Islamic Jihad Movement And former leader Zakaria Zubaidi… Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Escape from the tunnel gilboa prisonThey were subsequently arrested again in the following weeks.

  • prisoners before oslo

22 Palestinians continue to be detained since the signing of the 2023 Oslo Accords, which were established under Palestinian AuthorityThe eldest among them is a prisoner Mohammad Altus He has been detained since 1985.

  • Editor of Wafaa Al-Ahrar Deals 2011

Among the detainees mentioned repeatedly by Hamas leaders were liberators from the “Loyalty to Freedom” agreement, including 11 who were rearrested in 2014 and had their previous sentences reinstated.

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