
Russia: News on the destructive role of the United States in the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Deputy Representative of Russia Dmitry Chumakov… United Nations U.S. policy toward Israel “has played a destructive role in the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Chumakov added during the meeting United Nations General Assembly “The United States’ long-standing blindness to Israel’s continued settlement building in the occupied territories has also played a damaging role in the current escalation,” the report said late Tuesday. Sputnik News Agency.

Chumakov says US recognizes annexation of Israel Occupied Syrian Golan HeightsHe added: “As a result, we face a conflict of unprecedented scale that has the potential to spread throughout the Middle East.”

unprecedented aggressiveness

It is worth noting that Israel launched an unprecedented aggression against Israel. Gaza Strip The war lasted for 48 days and resulted in the fall of approximately 15,000 martyrs, mostly women and children.

During the aggression that began on October 7, the United States provided Israel with full military and political support, which was condemned by many countries.

Last Friday, Israel reached…Hamas With the mediation of Qatar and the support of Egypt and the United States, the two sides will set a temporary truce and release the women and children.

The truce between Israel and Hamas was due to end on Monday night, but both sides agreed to extend it for two more days, ending on Wednesday night.

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