
Military expert: Resistance movement will respond to any escalation more harshly than before truce news

Military expert Major General Fayez al-Duwari said that Israel’s threat to launch a more violent war was nothing more than internal talk, and stressed that any escalation of attacks would be met with a harsher response from the resistance.

Duhuaili added in an analysis by Al Jazeera that Israel had not given any vision for the threatening attack and that, after 48 days of war and 24 days of ground fighting, it had not succeeded in achieving any of its objectives. Intrusion… Gaza Strip.

Although Israel is more than two kilometers deep into Gaza, it does not effectively control the land and has not released a single detainee or prisoner, Duwari said, meaning it has achieved nothing real.

Duvali believes that Israel only achieved the destruction of Gaza and the killing of thousands of civilians during the war in the hope of putting a noose around its neck. islamic resistance movement (Hamas), but according to him, this did not happen.

“Hamas is part of a society whose fighters seek to liberate their homeland or restore Gaza before a coexistence agreement can be reached, that is, to retake more than 250 kilometers (Gaza cover) were cut off from the industry,” he said.

Duhuaili added that talk of military means to rescue prisoners and detainees was “impossible.” Because by their own admission, after throwing more than 40,000 artillery shells into the Gaza Strip, they did not succeed.

return izdin qassam brigade Duwari said that the military strength of the Hamas movement remains steadfast, able to manage this battle well, and is ready to face new escalations and respond more difficultly than in the previous stage.

Regarding the pressure card in the hands of the resistance movement, Duvairi said that Israelis in Gaza are divided into three categories: women, children, the elderly, civilians and military personnel, saying that negotiations will be conducted separately for each group.

The military expert concluded that Israel would pay a heavy price to restore all of them, adding, “If we consider an exchange agreement Gilad Shalit “We will know what awaits Israel.”

It is worth noting that the exchange of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit took place in 2011, under an agreement in which he was released in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners, including Hamas leaders. Yahya Sanwar.

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