
Military expert: The resistance movement responded with “vigilance” to the occupation forces’ violations, resulting in 11,000 casualties | News


Major General Fayez al-Duwari, a military and strategic expert, said the speed of response by the northern resistance was Gaza Strip Regarding the movement of Israeli military vehicles – on the fifth day of the temporary truce – which means they remain alert and under surveillance for any hostilities, he pointed out that the brutality of the Israeli army was confirmed by the fact that the occupying forces announced a thousand casualties among their ranks. Despite skepticism about published figures, the fight continues.

In a military analysis for Al Jazeera, Duhuaili explained that violations during the ceasefire were possible, indicating that Israeli vehicles were moving forward, meaning they could lead to certain consequences.

He pointed out Qassam Brigade -The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation) – it handled the breach with caution rather than escalating, sending a message to the occupying forces saying: “If you come back, we will come back.”

He noted that the redeployment of vehicles is in open areas with low urban density, as they are easy targets in densely populated areas.

Losses of the occupying forces

Regarding the 1,000 casualties announced by Israeli military officers and soldiers since the outbreak of the Gaza War, military experts believe that the occupying forces only disclosed 10% of the total number of casualties in the past, while the rest of the disclosures varied. “This actually means that there are Tens of thousands of casualties.”

He said that based on his personal estimates, based on the Qassam operation, video clips broadcast and information provided by Israeli journalists, he expected that the Israeli army would suffer 11,000 casualties in this operation, including 3,000 dead and wounded. Injured in a military vehicle.

He said the figures reflected the nature of the fighting that took place on the ground and that the Kassam video gave an impression of the intensity of the fighting, noting that the casualty ratio in conventional warfare was estimated at 3 to 1, but when talking about zero range It increases when fighting and decreases when talking about war. Gangster.

Duhuaili said that according to these figures, according to the newly released casualties, 350 people were killed and 1,000 wounded among the occupying forces, while confirming that these numbers will be doubled, but as time goes by and different incidents .

He stressed that the morale of the occupying forces was deteriorating, ruling out the possibility of a review of military plans to select suitable personnel for combat after medical and military assessments and to exclude those who suffered psychological trauma from the dismissal of soldiers. A combat battalion commander and his deputy after their troops fled fighting in Gaza.

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