
Military experts: Hamas’ strike force has not yet participated in the war

Major General Fayez al-Duwari, a military and strategy expert, said the Gaza resistance movement relied on intelligence before leaving the tunnels to launch attacks on Israeli occupation forces.

This is what Du Huaili mentioned in his comments to Al Jazeera on the spot Qassam Brigade “The military wing of the Islamic resistance”agitation“- Regarding the minefield explosion by the occupying forces in the Juhr al-Dik area east of the Central Governorate Gaza Strip.

He said the occupying forces had passed through the soft, uninhabited area from the first day they entered the Gaza Strip by land and reiterated his assertion that Israeli forces had reached those places but that given the resistance there, While continuing, Israeli forces did not control them.

Duhuaili confirmed that the resistance elements were operating based on intelligence information and then conducting surveillance, surveillance and reconnaissance operations, paving the way for the troops to operate in small groups of varying sizes at the appropriate time.

In response to the question “how long can the resistance movement persist in view of Israeli bombing and US support?” the military expert said that it is difficult to answer, but he believes that the resistance movement has prepared for the worst and defined the scope of the battle. no time limit.

Duhuaili said that in this case, the Gaza resistance faction is using all defensive and offensive tools at the appropriate time, place and in the appropriate way.

Regarding developments on the ground following Israel’s deep incursions from the northern and western sides of the Gaza Strip, military experts said the occupation appeared to have chosen “the worst case scenario for the defenders and the least costly scenario for the attackers”, ruling out This possibility. The goal of this step was achieved given the presence of Qassam strike forces that have not yet participated in the battle, among which Shujaiya, Al-Tuffah, Jabalia and the “Old Gaza” brigades were mentioned.

hospital box

In a related context, Al Jazeera obtained satellite images showing Israeli vehicles gathering in Gaza’s Hospital Square, involving Randisi, Oyoun and Nasr hospitals, and said the images date back to November 14 this year.

In this case, consider Al-Duwairi what you are doing Israel It is illogical, inconsistent with the framework of military ethics and the laws of war, and violates international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions.

He noted that the Israeli machinery was using schools and hospitals protected by international law as human shields, especially considering that thousands of residents there were displaced after their homes and residential buildings were destroyed.

He explained that given the city’s nature, population and urban density, Israeli vehicles would use any open space within Gaza to enter the area with the aim of using it as a gathering point or to conduct business.

He pointed out that there are still about 800 to 900,000 people stranded in Gaza and its north, thousands of whom have fled to schools and hospitals. Israel targets these facilities, cutting off their hope of survival and forcing them to be displaced. Block any necessities of life.

Interactive map of Gaza Strip’s most prominent target hospitals and on-site developments
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