
Moscow slams France’s ‘belligerent rhetoric’ — RT World News

The State Department said that irresponsible statements about the possible deployment of Western forces in Ukraine lead to an escalation of the conflict.

French leadership 'hostile speech' The Russian Foreign Ministry informed France's envoy in Moscow on Monday that provocative statements regarding the Ukrainian conflict lead to further escalation.

Ambassador Pierre Levy was summoned to the ministry with British envoy Nigel Casey amid rising tensions over the conflict in Ukraine. The ambassadors were seen visiting the building housing the ministry in central Moscow separately. They did not provide any comments to the press abroad.

According to the press release issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding the meeting with Levy, the Russian side presented an assessment of the French position 'Devastating and provocative' Approaching.

“It is emphasized that the attempts of the French authorities to create some “strategic uncertainty” for Russia through their irresponsible statements about the possible sending of Western military units to Ukraine are doomed to failure.” The ministry said that the tasks and objectives of Moscow's military operation will be achieved.

French President Emmanuel Macron has been defending what he calls it for months “Strategic ambiguity” Regarding the conflict in Ukraine. The idea is to keep open the option of deploying NATO forces in Ukraine to prevent a Russian victory.

In a recent interview with The Economist, Macron claimed that the supposed deterrence resulting from the hypothetical deployment of French forces is necessary to prevent a Russian victory and repel future attacks on other countries – although Moscow denies that it has any intention of doing so.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov indicated in an interview on Sunday that the rhetoric stemmed from Macron's desire to use… “Russophobia” Messages to strengthen the French position in the European Union.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement following its meeting with Casey, saying Moscow would respond to British targets in Ukraine or elsewhere if Kiev used UK-supplied missiles to strike Russian territory. This came in the wake of British Foreign Secretary David Cameron's statements to Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles sent by the United Kingdom to strike deep into Russia.

On Monday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced an exercise to test the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. President Vladimir Putin ordered the exercises to be held yet “Provocative statements and threats” The army said Western officials.

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