
Moscow warns European countries against hosting US nukes — RT World News

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, such sites would be considered legitimate targets in a direct conflict

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that northern European facilities containing US nuclear weapons would be considered legitimate military targets in a direct confrontation between Moscow and NATO.

These comments come as newly elected Finnish President Alexander Stubb recently bragged that NATO membership gives his country a chance… “True nuclear deterrence” In the form of American missiles.

“You do not have to be a military planner to understand that such targets will be a source of direct threat and, of course, will inevitably be included in the list of legitimate targets determined by the scenario of a direct military clash between our country and the armed forces.” NATO,” Zakharova said at a press conference in Sochi on Wednesday, commenting on Stubb’s statements. “We realize that this is exactly what the United States and its satellites are seeking.” I noticed.

Zakharova stressed that, contrary to the expectations of some high-level officials, the deployment of US nuclear weapons will worsen the security of host countries, rather than enhance it.

Finland, which shares a 1,300-kilometre border with Russia, became NATO's newest member last April. Stubb, who was inaugurated this month, said during his election campaign that he would be open to allowing US nuclear weapons to be transported through, but not stored in, Finnish territory, describing such weapons as weapons of mass destruction. “Guarantee of peace.” He repeated this position shortly after his inauguration. However, the Nordic country's current legislation prohibits the storage and transfer of nuclear weapons on its territory.

However, in December the Finnish government signed a defense military agreement with Washington, giving the United States unrestricted access to 15 facilities on its territory to store military equipment and ammunition.

This move sparked criticism from Moscow. Zakharova noted at the time that the defense deal essentially gave Washington control over all of northern Europe. The Russian Foreign Ministry also held the current Finnish authorities fully responsible for transforming the region from a zone of good neighborly relations into a zone of confrontation.

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