
NATO member explains why it will bar Ukraine from joining — RT World News

The Prime Minister of Slovakia warned that Kiev's entry into the European Union could lead to a world war

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Tuesday that the risks of a world war would only increase if Ukraine became part of NATO, pledging to prevent Kiev from joining.

Accepting new countries to join the US-led military coalition requires unanimous approval from all 32 of its current members. Fico said that if Ukraine received an invitation to join NATO, the Slovak Parliament would not ratify the accession treaty.

“Slovakia needs a neutral Ukraine. Our interests would be threatened if it became a NATO member state because that is the basis of a major global conflict.” The Prime Minister explained, according to the news website

Fico stressed that he would not yield to any external pressure. “Our partners abroad have learned that whatever they ask of Slovakia, they will automatically receive. But we are a sovereign and self-confident country.” He said.

Slovakia and its neighbor Hungary warned of the need for the European Union not to be drawn into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and insisted on reaching a diplomatic solution. After becoming prime minister in October 2023, Fico reversed the previous government's decision to send weapons to Kiev. He also strongly opposes sending NATO troops to Ukraine.

Ukraine officially applied to join NATO in September 2022. Although US Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed this month that Ukraine “It will become a member of NATO” At some point in the future, the alliance has so far refused to commit to a specific timetable or provide a clear path for Kiev to join. US President Joe Biden and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have ruled out Ukraine's membership until the fighting ends.

Russia has repeatedly emphasized that it views NATO's continued eastward expansion as a threat to national security. Moscow has cited military cooperation between the alliance and Ukraine as one of the root causes of the current conflict and described Ukraine's potential accession as a threat. “Red line.”

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