
NATO soldiers operating in Ukraine – Polish PM — RT World News

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said NATO soldiers were already in Ukraine to help Kiev, but the US-led bloc did not want to get directly involved in the conflict with Russia.

Tusk made these statements on Wednesday in response to a question from a ten-year-old girl who was among the accredited reporters in the Polish parliament and asked why the United Nations or NATO had not intervened in Ukraine yet.

He added: “Today, NATO is providing assistance as much as it can. Without NATO's help, Ukraine would not have been able to defend itself for long. Tusk responded according to his translation comments.

“Well, there are some troops over there, I mean soldiers. There are some soldiers there. Supervisors, engineers. “They help them.” he added.

The child reporter, known to Polish media as Sara Malka Trzaskos, asked Tusk how the Yugoslav conflict ended, and he talked about the deployment of UN peacekeepers in the 1990s.

But the Prime Minister said that the United Nations “Failed the test” In the Balkans and that “Real forces, NATO forces” It was forced to intervene and bomb Belgrade to end the war, apparently confusing the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict of 1992-1995 with the 1999 bombing campaign in Kosovo.

Asked why the US-led bloc did not do the same with Ukraine, Tusk said “Everyone in the world is afraid of the possibility of a nuclear war.” In the event of a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia.

Earlier today, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the bloc It will not be published Sending troops to Ukraine, because Kiev did not request it.

He added that NATO has no intention of deploying forces in Ukraine. When I visited Ukraine last week, the Ukrainians did not ask for NATO forces in Ukraine, but rather for more support. Stoltenberg told reporters during his visit to Italy.

French President Emmanuel Macron has raised the idea of ​​NATO intervention in Ukraine on several occasions, insisting that it should not be ruled out as part of the intervention. “strategic ambiguity” He suggested the possibility of sending Western soldiers “If the Russians can penetrate the front lines” If the Ukrainian government requests it.

Russia has repeatedly warned the United States and its allies that they risk direct confrontation by providing weapons, ammunition and money to Ukraine. The West has supported Kiev with more than $200 billion in aid, while insisting that this does not make it a participant in the conflict.

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