
NATO troops in Ukraine could trigger WW3 – Italy — RT World News

The Italian Foreign Minister warned that going to war with Russia could lead to global conflict

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said that the deployment of US-led NATO forces on the battlefields of Ukraine could lead to an all-out global conflict, which could actually lead to World War III. He ruled out any possibility that his country's forces would be deployed in one way or another to support the fighting in Kiev.

The minister made these statements on Friday during an interview on the sidelines of the LetExpo exhibition in Verona. When asked about the possibility of NATO forces ending up in such a deployment, Tajani spoke against the idea.

I think NATO should not enter Ukraine. It would be wrong. “We need to help Ukraine defend itself, but entering the country to wage war against Russia means risking World War III.” stated the diplomat.

Tajani ruled out any possibility of Italian forces ending up in Ukraine. In response to a question about other NATO countries sending their forces to support Kiev in its war against Moscow, especially France, the minister said that he hopes “This is not happening.”

Tajani's comments come after French President Emmanuel Macron once again raised the issue of sending Western soldiers to Ukraine, in a new interview with broadcasters TF2 and France 2.

Macron frankly described Russia as France “Discount” Insisting, at the same time, that Paris was not like that “Wage war against Russia” But just “to support” Kyiv in conflict. Regarding the possible deployment of troops, he refused to say anything concrete, insisting on his desire to maintain a troop presence “Strategic ambiguity” And he had his own “The reasons are not accurate.”

The French President thought about the possibility of sending Western forces to Ukraine for the first time in late February, when he said that the idea could not be implemented. “Excluded” completely. These statements sparked a wave of denials from fellow members of the US-led bloc, with key participants repeatedly rejecting the idea. However, smaller nations in the alliance, including new member Finland, supported Macron's position on the issue.

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