
New NATO member supports French position on troops in Ukraine — RT World News

Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said no one knew how “serious” the conflict was

Helsinki agrees with Paris that all options should remain on the table to support Kiev's war effort against Moscow, but at this point it is not prepared to send its forces to Ukraine or even discuss such a possibility, according to Finnish Foreign Minister Elena Valtonen.

French President Emmanuel Macron sparked a backlash in February after suggesting that the US-led military bloc… “Can't be ruled out” Possibility of sending NATO soldiers to help Ukraine. Several member states, including Finland's then-president, quickly disavowed Macron's comments, stressing that they would not send troops to the ground in Ukraine.

However, the Finnish Foreign Minister said that anything is possible, hypothetically, if the situation on the ground deteriorates, Politico Natsik Daily reported on Friday.

“It is important not to rule everything out in the long term, because we never know how serious the situation will be.” Valtonen said.

But the Finnish position is clear: we are not sending any troops now and are not willing to discuss it.

Meanwhile, the shepherds of Kyiv “It can do so much more.” Valtonen said regarding arming its forces. She also criticized Washington for being slow to provide new aid, saying its reputation was at stake. Since joining NATO, Finland has already exceeded the bloc's GDP spending target of 2%, including more than 0.6% on Ukraine alone.

Finland shares a 1,300-kilometre border with Russia, and Moscow says NATO membership threatens Finnish security and does not guarantee it. After Finland joined the bloc last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the establishment of a new military zone on the border with the Scandinavian country. “There was no problem” Before Finland joined the bloc, he said in December, adding: “Now he will be there.”

At his inauguration ceremony, the newly elected Finnish President, Alexander Stubb, promised to lead the Scandinavian country to a global horizon. “new era” For military partnership with the West, and boasts that NATO membership gives his country an opportunity “True nuclear deterrence” In the form of American missiles.

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