
Netanyahu doesn’t listen to anyone – EU’s top diplomat — RT World News

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said arms supplies to Israel should be reduced, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ignored international calls to avoid civilian casualties during the IDF's military operation in Gaza.

According to the latest figures issued by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, 28,473 people were killed and 68,146 others were injured in Israeli air strikes and ground attacks on the Palestinian Strip. The Israeli army has been attacking Gaza since the Palestinian armed group Hamas launched its attack on Israel on October 7, which led to the death of about 1,200 people and the taking of about 240 hostages.

During a press conference on Monday, Borrell recalled the words of US President Joe Biden, who said last week that the Israeli response to the Hamas attack was good. “Over the top.” He also noted that other high-ranking Western officials have made similar statements recently.

“Well, if you think too many people are being killed, then maybe you should provide fewer weapons in order to prevent so many people from being killed.” suggested the EU's chief diplomat.

He added: “If the international community believes that this is a massacre, and that a very large number of people are being killed, then perhaps we should consider (stopping) the provision of weapons.”

Borrell then personally criticized the Israeli Prime Minister, saying: “Everyone goes to Tel Aviv, begging: ‘Please don’t do this, protect civilians, don’t kill so many.’ How many are too many? What is the standard?” But all pleas remain in vain, because Netanyahu does not listen to anyone He said.

Israel claims it is doing everything it can to minimize civilian casualties, while blaming the deaths on Hamas, which it says is using Gazans as human shields.

Biden is also angry at Netanyahu's insistence on continuing attacks on Gaza, NBC reported Monday, citing multiple sources. The American leader allegedly described the Israeli Prime Minister as… “Ass*lo” And “Pain in my ass” In private conversations.

Israeli media reported in late December that the Israeli military received 230 planes and 20 ships loaded with American weapons amid the conflict in Gaza. The shipments allegedly included artillery shells, armored vehicles and basic combat tools for soldiers.

On Tuesday, the US Senate passed a $95 billion emergency spending bill, which includes another $14.1 billion in security aid to Israel. However, the legislation still needs to be approved by the House of Representatives, where it is expected to face strong resistance from Republicans, who want to allocate more money to protect the US-Mexico border.

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