
Trump plans to deport ‘millions’ – Axios — RT World News

Trump's anti-immigration campaign will use federal officials and vague laws to deport illegal immigrants, a report claimed

Former US President Donald Trump is seeking to impose a series of tough immigration restrictions – including building migrant detention camps near the country's southern border – if he is re-elected to the White House later this year, according to a report by Axios. .

Trump has made immigration reform and strengthening border security protocols key campaign pledges ahead of a potential rematch with current President Joe Biden in November. If he wins the presidency, Trump will seek to harness a range of executive deportation powers “Millions” People as part of his campaign against immigration, the outlet said on Sunday.

Citing an anonymous source familiar with the plans, Axios reported that a second Trump administration would likely see US immigration officials, the FBI and various other executive arms of the government mobilized to carry out mass deportations of illegal immigrants.

Additionally, expedited deportations will be expanded to include individuals found to have crossed the border illegally and who cannot prove they have been living in the United States for at least two years, the report said.

Furthermore, Trump would take advantage of legislation dating back more than two centuries that would allow the arrest and deportation of immigrants with criminal histories, the newspaper claims. Large detention sites for migrants awaiting deportation will also be established in areas near its southern border with Mexico.

Axios also previously noted that Trump would likely reimpose the so-called “Islamic ban” that restricts the entry of people from certain Muslim-majority countries into the United States. US President Joe Biden previously repealed the legislation when he succeeded Trump in 2021.

In December, Trump said during one of his election campaigns in New Hampshire that immigrants “They poison the lifeline of our country.” – The letter was seized from the Biden campaign, which claimed he did it “Adolf Hitler's parrot” who used similar language in Mein Kampf.

Axios also reported that Trump's immigration agenda is likely to receive opposition from Democratic lawmakers, as well as from Latino advocacy groups and “sanctuary cities” — the title given to areas that obstruct federal immigration enforcement.

Axios said financial analysts also predicted that removing illegal immigrants from the workforce would hurt the US economy, as well as stifle policies aimed at easing inflation.

Trump adopted a similarly aggressive approach to immigration during his four-year term in the White House between 2017 and 2021, although he managed to deport fewer people during his presidency than his predecessor, Barack Obama.

Last month, a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that immigration is the main issue of concern to American voters, ahead of inflation and the economy.

US officials said last month that the number of people arrested for crossing into the United States from Mexico illegally reached an all-time high of 249,785 in December. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the number of undetained illegal immigrants rose to 6.3 million last year — compared to just 3.7 million in 2021.

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