
New NATO member admits ‘sovereignty’ issue with US pact — RT World News

The Finnish Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that the military cooperation agreement with Washington limits Helsinki's sovereignty, noting that its ratification would therefore require a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Finland joined NATO in April 2023, abandoning a decades-long policy of neutrality. I started Negotiation Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with the United States almost immediately Occurred That was last December.

A working group led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was formed to draft ratification protocols. The ministry announced that it was officially sent to Parliament for comment on Thursday.

“The working group concluded that the DCA would restrict Finland’s sovereignty, which is why Parliament’s acceptance of the agreement would require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.” Ministry press release He said. Parliament has until May 12 to comment on the draft proposal.

The DCA gives the US military access to 15 military bases in Finland and allows the deployment of military equipment and supplies on Finnish territory, as well as the free movement of US aircraft, ships and vehicles. US military personnel and the facilities they use will also receive special legal protection.

When the DCA was signed, Finnish Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen said it was “A guarantee from the largest military power in the world that they will defend us.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin He responded By saying that Helsinki previously enjoyed friendly relations with Moscow and did not have any disputes, territorial or otherwise, but chose to side with the US-led bloc anyway.

“There was no problem. Now there will be.” Putin said in December. “We will now create the Leningrad Military District and concentrate certain military units there.”

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