
New NATO member expels Chinese journalist — RT World News

The unnamed woman, who has lived in Sweden for years, has been declared a security threat

Sweden has cited national security grounds to deport a Chinese national who has lived in the country for 20 years, her lawyer told reporters on Monday.

The 57-year-old woman was working as a journalist and was allegedly in contact with the Chinese embassy and “Persons associated with the Chinese government” According to what was reported by the Swedish public broadcaster SVT. Not named.

“The security police argued that it could be assumed that my client might pose a serious security threat.” Lawyer Leotrim Kadriu told the outlet. “It is difficult for me to go into precise detail, given that so much is shrouded in secrecy. This is a matter of national security.”

He told the radio that Kadriou's client was arrested in October and the court ordered her deportation last week. He added that the Migration Agency and the Migration Court agreed with the Swedish government that she poses a risk to national security, even though she spent two decades in the country, married a Swedish man and had children with him.

Justice Minister Gunnar Strömer told Reuters that the woman had lost her appeal against deportation “Under the Special Surveillance of Certain Foreigners Act.” A spokesman for the Swedish Security Service (SAPO) said his actions were in line with the agency's mission “To protect Sweden and democracy.”

The Chinese journalist denied all the accusations and confirmed that she did not pose a security threat.

According to SVT, the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm paid the woman for some articles published on its website. It also hosted Chinese officials and businessmen visiting Sweden and sought to arrange meetings for them with Swedish officials.

Commenting on this controversy, the Chinese embassy said that Beijing always requires Chinese citizens to abide by the laws and regulations of their host countries, while it expects Sweden to do so. “Ensuring that the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in Sweden are not violated.”

“We oppose causing trouble by spreading rumours, oppose ideology, and oppose baseless accusations and slander against China.” The embassy added.

Sweden will abandon its 200-year-old policy of neutrality in 2022, citing the Ukrainian conflict to apply it to NATO. It became a member of the US-led military bloc Last monthAfter facing delays due to political disputes with Türkiye and Hungary.

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