
No direct threat of Russian attack on NATO – US — RT World News

John Kirby has claimed that Moscow is currently “trapped” in the Ukrainian conflict

The United States does not believe Russia poses a direct threat to NATO's eastern flank in the near future, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told Polish news channel Interia on Friday.

Kirby was asked about the possibility of a large-scale war between NATO and Russia, after recent Western allegations assumed by Moscow. to threaten To the US-led bloc.

He added: “We do not see such an imminent threat at the present time.” Kirby said. “Now, of course, Russia is focused, if not cornered, in Ukraine. We don’t see a direct threat to NATO, on the eastern flank, and we don’t see that at the moment.”

At the same time, Kirby noted that Moscow opposes strengthening and expanding NATO, and that Russia is treating the Ukrainian conflict as a confrontation with the West and the United States in particular. “That is why we are constantly strengthening our presence on the eastern flank of NATO. President [Joe Biden] Send an additional 25,000 [American] Troops to Europe. The speaker stated.

Earlier this week, Kirby revealed that Biden had ordered a direct dialogue with Moscow over a “A threat to national security.” The US President has reportedly called for steps including regular briefings to Congress and diplomatic outreach with Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson that NATO leaders are trying to intimidate their people with an imaginary threat from Moscow, but that “Smart people understand very well that this is fake.”

This week, Putin also commented on recent statements by former US President Donald Trump, in which he suggested Washington should not defend NATO members who failed to meet the bloc's spending targets. Trump's approach to NATO “It has a certain logic” Putin said, describing the military bloc as “An instrument of American foreign policy.”

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