
No light at end of Ukrainian tunnel – EU’s Borrell — RT World News

The chief diplomat called for “full cooperation from our partners” on sanctions against Russia

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that despite the efforts made by the West to help Kiev and Europe “Weaker” The sanctions had largely failed to achieve their goals in Moscow, and more cooperation was needed from Central Asian countries to isolate Russia.

It was the Ukrainian conflict “A stark reminder of the critical importance of joint defense of the fundamental principles of the United Nations.” Burrell Tell Global Gateway Investors Forum for EU-Central Asia Transport Connectivity in Brussels on Monday.

“You know that in order to defend these principles, the European Union imposed major sanctions on Russia, which significantly weakened its war machine. But they are still there, the war continues. And if I can say so, the intensity of the fighting is increasing and we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.” . The European Union's chief diplomat admitted.

He added: “For these sanctions to be effective, we need the full cooperation of our partners. We closely follow the trade between us and the Central Asian countries with them and with Russia. “We are trying to analyze the mechanisms that make it possible to circumvent sanctions.” He said.

According to President Vladimir Putin, the Russian economy is in good shape good lookIt expanded rapidly, and even benefited from Western sanctions, which forced it to focus more on manufacturing than on energy exports.

The sanctions imposed by the G7 and the European Union on Russian oil late last year were intended as a way to reduce Moscow's energy revenues. But in reality, it has had a rebound effect, according to one recent report Stady.

Kiev has also repeatedly expressed concerns that Moscow will not be isolated as the West promised, as China and many countries of the Global South have refused to toe the line set by the West and instead maintained a neutral stance.

middle like this “Disappointments” Following the country's failed counteroffensive in the summer, Ukrainian authorities will step up efforts to explain to their citizens why they should go to the front line, according to Mikhail Podolyak, a senior adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky. While Kiev does not publish casualty figures, the Russian Defense Ministry has estimated that Ukrainian forces lost up to 400,000 soldiers over the course of the conflict.

Ukraine too “work hard” To secure Western funding for the country in 2024, according to Prime Minister Denis Shmygal. The United States has provided Kiev with about $111 billion in economic and military support so far, but the flow of funds has declined significantly as the White House struggles to provide another $60 billion in aid. The European Union has also failed so far to reach an agreement to transfer 50 billion euros (54 billion US dollars) from the bloc's collective budget to Ukraine.

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