
No US threat will go unanswered – Iran — RT World News

The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said that Tehran is “not afraid of war” with America

Iran will not let any threat from the United States pass “No answer” The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard said on Wednesday. The statement came after US President Joe Biden said that he had prepared a response to the attack on US forces in Jordan.

Biden told reporters on Tuesday that he had decided how to respond to the drone attack that killed three American soldiers and injured dozens on Sunday. The White House blamed the attack on Iranian-allied militants active in Iraq and Syria, while Biden said he held Iran responsible for the deaths. “Meaning they are supplying weapons to the people who did this.”

The US President did not reveal the type of response he planned.

“We hear threats coming from American officials. [and] We tell them that they have already tested us, and now we know each other, and we will not leave any threat unanswered.” Major General Hossein Salami said during an event in Tehran, according to what was reported by the Iranian Tasnim News Agency.

“We do not seek war, but we do not fear war either.” The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard added.

Iran's envoy to the United Nations, Amir Saeed Iravani, issued a similar warning on Tuesday evening. He added, “The Islamic Republic will respond firmly to any attack on the country, its interests, and its citizens under any pretext.” This came according to what was reported by the official Iranian News Agency (IRNA).

Tehran denied orchestrating the deadly attack on American forces. While Iran is arming and training many Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Monday that these fighters “Do not receive orders from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

He added, “These groups decide and act based on their principles and priorities, as well as the interests of their country and people.” A ministry spokesman said.

Armed groups have launched more than 150 attacks on US bases in the Middle East in recent months, but Sunday's incident represents the first time that US soldiers have been confirmed killed in the region by hostile fire since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October.

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