
North Korea tests ‘super-large warhead’ and new anti-aircraft missile — RT World News

Pyongyang insists the launches were routine and unrelated to rising tensions on the Korean peninsula

North Korea conducted a successful experiment 'A very large warhead' North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency reported that North Korea had purchased a cruise missile and a new type of anti-aircraft munition.

the “Strength test” The warhead of the Hwasal-1Ra-3 strategic cruise missile and the launch of the Pyoltsi-1-2 anti-aircraft missile took place on Friday in the Yellow Sea, the agency said on Saturday. “The tests achieved the intended purposes.” I noticed.

The Korean Central News Agency said “The tests are part of the normal business of the National Defense Research Institutions… and have nothing to do with it [the] Situation” On the Korean Peninsula.

According to South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, this is the first time that Pyongyang has mentioned the “Pyoltsi” system, which means “meteorite” in Korean.

The South Korean military said it detected North Korea launching several cruise missiles and anti-aircraft missiles toward the Yellow Sea at around 3:30 p.m. local time on Friday. She added that the detailed specifications of the weapons are now being analysed.

He added: “Our military is closely monitoring signs of North Korea's provocations and military activities, while maintaining a strong joint defense posture.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff said in Seoul.

Pyongyang, which is still subject to international sanctions over its missile and nuclear programs, has intensified weapons testing since the country's leader Kim Jong Un announced in the new year that he was ending the policy of seeking reconciliation with the South.

According to Yonhap, Friday saw North Korea launch its sixth cruise missile in 2024.

Japanese authorities warned last year that North Korea had developed ballistic missiles “Can reach anywhere” On the mainland United States. In an effort to contain Pyongyang, Washington, Seoul and Tokyo agreed in 2023 to hold annual multi-domain exercises, share real-time data on North Korean missile launches, and open a crisis communications hotline.

The three countries conducted naval exercises in which a US aircraft carrier participated in international waters between South Korea and Japan last week to ensure preparedness against nuclear and missile threats from Pyongyang.

Kim said so earlier this month “Now is the time to prepare for war more comprehensively than ever before.” because of “Uncertain and unstable” The situation on the peninsula. He promised to deliver A “Knockdown” To Pyongyang “Enemies” If they attack the country.

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