
Biden brags about first US-made nuclear fuel — RT World News

Washington is struggling to free itself from Russian supplies of enriched uranium

A US facility has produced the first 200 pounds (90 kilograms) of highly enriched low-enriched uranium (HALEU), President Joe Biden said on Friday, stressing that the United States cannot rely on nuclear fuel imported from Russia.

Moscow is currently the only commercial source of hallyu for the United States, which has gone from being the world's largest exporter to its largest importer over the past seven decades.

“Today, I can announce that the IBEW plant in southern Ohio has already produced the first 200 pounds of that powerful enriched uranium… [the] “Made for the first time in America” Biden said while addressing the construction conference in Washington.

And specify that “Advanced Fuel” There is a need for “next generation” Nuclear reactors, the Ohio-based facility is expected to enrich 'Tons by the end of the year' That's enough “To supply 100,000 homes with energy.”

The United States relied on importing enriched uranium from countries such as Russia to operate its nuclear reactors, which Washington supplied with energy. “Can't be trusted at all” Biden said. He stated that his administration invested $3.4 billion in new production.

In June, the federal government authorized a hallyu fertilization pilot project at the plant in Picton, Ohio. The complex facility, launched by the federal government in 1954, enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and power plants until it was closed in 2001.

In October, the White House asked Congress for $2.2 billion in funding to strengthen US energy independence by establishing domestic production of halyu as well as low-enriched uranium. The Biden administration has described enrichment as a matter of national security, saying that reliance on Russian uranium sources poses risks to the US economy and the civilian nuclear sector.

In December, the US House of Representatives passed a ban on Russian uranium imports as part of the sanctions campaign against Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine. However, the bill stalled in the Senate.

Washington has set its imports of Russian uranium at 20% of US domestic demand. Last year, it imported nearly $1.2 billion of Russian uranium, a record since 2009. Russia retained first place among U.S. uranium suppliers in monetary terms, increasing the share of imports from 26% to 27% year over year.

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