
Obama sending election warnings to Biden – WaPo — RT World News

The former president is concerned that the Democratic campaign is not flexible enough to confront the increasingly tight race

Former US President Barack Obama has urged Biden's advisers to boost his re-election campaign by engaging high-level decision-makers or empowering those already at headquarters amid lackluster voter approval that could see Donald Trump return to power in 2024.

Obama and Biden discussed the campaign during a previously unreported private lunch at the White House in recent months, The Washington Post reported mentioned In an article published on Saturday, citing sources familiar with the matter. He reportedly became the former president “Lusty” While talking about the 2024 elections and the possibility of former President Donald Trump winning the race.

Obama, who served as the 44th president of the United States, recalled the success of his 2012 reelection campaign when some of his top aides took charge of reelection operations on the ground across the country, and criticized Biden's approach to leaving his advisors in the White House. a house.

According to the people who spoke to the outlet on the condition of anonymity, Obama did not indicate anything specific about the structure of the campaign but instead suggested that it needed to… “Move strong” Trump appears to be leading the race for the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination.

He did not recommend recruiting any specific individuals to the campaign, but cited his chief strategist David Plouffe, who led Obama's 2008 race, as an example of someone who could help.

The Biden campaign and Obama spokespeople did not respond to a request for comment from The Washington Post.

However, Obama has long expressed concern about Donald Trump's political power, warning earlier this year that he may be a stronger contender than many Democrats realize. He is concerned not only about Biden's poor poll numbers, but also about the effectiveness of his unconventional campaign structure.

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden's campaign manager, is at the campaign headquarters in Wilmington. Meanwhile, senior aides Anita Dunn, Jen O'Malley Dillon, Mike Donilon, and Steve Ricchetti work from the White House, meaning all important decisions need to go through the White House first. Some Democrats raised concerns that the campaign may not be able to immediately respond to fast-moving developments.

David Axelrod, a former senior presidential adviser, said Friday that while he could not comment on Obama's discussions with Biden, every president handles reelection differently. Last November, Axelrod suggested that Biden would consider withdrawing from the 2024 race.

Biden's approval rating reached a record low before the end of the year with just 38% of voters approving of his performance, according to recent Washington Post polls. Voters, including a majority of Democrats, are particularly concerned about Biden's age as well as his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

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