
‘Obliteration’ awaits US if Biden wins reelection, Trump warns — RT World News

The former commander-in-chief of the armed forces warned that public services would collapse as “hordes” of illegal foreigners invade the country.

Former US President Donald Trump claimed that he is the only hope to prevent America's collapse, saying that Joe Biden will finish destroying the nation if he wins a second term in the White House.

He added: “If conman Joe Biden and his followers win in 2024, the worst is yet to come.” Trump said Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in suburban Washington. “Our country will sink to unimaginable levels.” he added, “These are the stakes of this election: Our country is being destroyed, and the only thing standing between you and its destruction is me.”

Opinion polls indicate that Trump is the most prominent Republican candidate so far to challenge Biden in the presidential elections scheduled for November. He claimed that while the current president's mental state prevents him from properly understanding reality, he is surrounded by… “Some very bad fascists” Who are deliberately destroying the United States, in part through open borders.

He added: “With four more years of Biden in office, the hordes of illegal aliens flocking across our borders will exceed 40 to 50 million people.” Trump said. “Medicare, Social Security, Medicare, public education will collapse and collapse. It will collapse.”

The former president estimated that the United States would have 18 million illegal immigrants by the time Biden's term ends in January 2025, and pledged to launch the largest deportation campaign in the country's history if he wins the presidency again in November. “They are killing our people” He said. “They are killing our country. We have no choice.”

Trump delivered his speech a day after former White House senior adviser Stephen Miller told a CPAC audience that if his former boss took office again, he would do so immediately. “Closing borders” Mass deportations begin. Biden, who halted many of Trump's border security measures, has overseen the largest influx of illegal immigrants in US history.

Trump also criticized Biden's foreign policies, which enabled conflicts between Israel, Hamas, Russia and Ukraine, and accused him of using law enforcement to target political enemies. The Republican challenger faces four criminal indictments and several civil lawsuits, which he said were part of an attempt to interfere in this year's election.

“Degenerate and twisted Joe Biden “He is the most crooked, most incompetent president in our country’s history — and will soon lead to us losing World War III.” Trump said. “We will not only be in World War III. We will lose World War III, with weapons the likes of which no one has ever seen before.”

Trump, referring to himself 'Proud political dissident' He vowed revenge by reclaiming the presidency and making the United States more successful than ever. “For hardworking Americans, November 5 will be our new Liberation Day.” He said. “But for the liars, cheats, frauds, censors, and crooks who have taken over our government, it will be doomsday.”

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